Chapter 18

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Erika's POV: 

I am watching the TV when I hear Dallas squeal who came down about 10 minutes ago and I see her in the arms of I think McKenzie and Kade's I think arms around her as well. I then see the others smile looking at them. 



Kade and Jake run and hug each other laughing and smiling. Its so cool to see how close these guys actually are. They pull apart and smile.

Jake- Man I missed you man 

Kade- Yea bro 2 years is way to long come on 

Jake- Trust me it aint happening again 

Kade- Good, now where is my fake little sister 

I watch as Tessa smiles running over to him hugging him.

Tessa- Missed you Kade 

Kade- You to Tess, and where is my boy Tales at 

Tristan- Kade man it good to see you again 

Kade- You to 

I then hear squeals and see Tessa and McKenzie hugging and jumping around and see Dallas in Kade's arms. 


McKenzie- TEAM 10 UNITE 

Tessa- I missed youuuuuu 

McKenzie- Me to so much oh my lord 

After a little everyone calms down and sits back down Jake sits next to me and Dallas sits on his lap and Kade and McKenzie look at me.

Kade- So you must be Erika then right 

I nod and look at them.

Erika- Nice to meet you guys 

McKenzie- Yessss another girl you did good Paul 

Jake chuckles- Thanks Kenz 

Kade- So you living in the mansion with us 

Erika- Yup I guess so 

McKenzie- That may be a mistake 

I laugh and see Jake roll his eyes.

Jake- Oh shut up dont scare away yet , she has barely started 

Kade- So what is she doing 

Jake- Uh I think shes going to help me maybe edit and go on more of the business side since Nick wont be here for a while 

Kade- Awesome, cant wait 

Nathan- This is going to be a good year

Jake- You bet, I cant wait for Chanthony to get here 

Tessa- Oh boy the trio is going to be back together very soon 

McKenzie - The world is about to end 

Dallas- We better hide 

Jake- Oh shut up you butts 

Tristan- So Speisers how have you been 

Are Kade and McKenzie married? 

Kade- Tristan shes not a speiser yet, but soon enough 

Tessa- Your proposal was amazing 

McKenzie- It was pretty sweet 

Kade- Awe thanks guys 

Dallas- I want to see it 

Kade- We recorded it we will show it to you later Dall 

Dallas nods- Wait so where are you two staying 

Jake- There going to stay in one of our extra rooms till we move back into the mansion 

Dallas nods and smiles. 

Dallas- I cant wait I miss that place so much 

Tessa- We all do 

Kade- So why dont we watch some really old vlogs like the first one Jake when Alissa you and I came to L.A for the first time

I glance at Jake who smiles.

Jake- I mean its perfect timing we get to watch Team 10 come together and now its coming together again 

Jake then turns the game off and turns the Xbox on that is connected to this TV on and and goes to youtube typing in Jake Paul and going to oldest videos and I see the title "Living in LA??!!!". (This is going to be a made up video and stuff so yea just a warning) I look at the thumbnail I think thats what they call it and see a picture of  Jake and then Alissa on his shoulders in front of there old Team 10 house smiling and then Kade is kneeling shocked pointing at the hose. The vlog then starts and I watch. 


Jake- What is up Jake Paulers it is finally time after so long we have finally got a house in L.A to call our own and its incredible. We have a ton of people going to be part of this Team we call Team 10 and people who are going to be moving into this house very shortly. So shall we give you a house tour now.

It cuts into a montage of the house as Jake is talking about it and then they go up to the roof and Alissa goes into frame. 

Jake- Oh yea guys we have a fricking roof top view of L.A and  I guess Alissa 

The camera points to Alissa as Jake laughs.

Jake- Liss what are you doing

Alissa- Um enjoying the view obviously 

Jake- Alright just dont fall

Alissa laughs and I think Kade does as well.

Jake- So guys for now I am going to be living her obviously, Kade will be and of course Alissa 

I then watch as Alissa jumps on Jake's back screaming hoyaaaa as he almost falls over. 

Jake- Well this is going to be one heck of a journey guys 

Alissa laughs- Oh you know it 

It then cuts into Jake talking about the house a little more than goes to his ending scene where him, Alissa and Kade are sitting on the couch.

Jake- Well guys this has been the first official daily vlog of Jake Paul and I hope many more are to come 

Kade- We cant wait to go on this incredible journey with you guys 

Alissa- It is going to be full of fun times hard times but of course Family memories that we will keep for the rest of our lives hopefully we dont die because of one of Jake's stupid ideas though 

Jake laughs- Haha very funny Liss Well thats it for today, I will see you guys tomorrow peace 

End of Flashback (Video): 

Everyone is quiet after what Alissa said hopefully we dont die and I think it affected Jake. 

Kade- Dang Jake you were more of a chotch back then , than ever 

Jake laughs throwing a pillow at Kade. 

Jake- Shut up 

Tessa- Oh my god I forgot how blonde your hair was, Thats crazy 

Jake - Yea yea whatever 

Tristan- He was so young and innocent 

Jake- Im still well im still innocent 

Dallas- No your not, you stole the last cookie 

Everyone laughs and Jake sighs.

Jake- I thought you said I could

Dallas- Why would I let you have the cookie do you think im that dumb like come on its a cookie

Everyone laughs and Jake hits play on the next vlog as we watch the old Jake Paul and Team 10. 

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