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Epilogue- August 23rd. 2019-the Lake

Harmony stands up and puts her pole down and she feels a gush of warm fluid. It starts to drip and the sound is loud to her. She grabs her ever present radio and pushes the button that pages both the guys. Brian answers first. "Whats wrong babe, need up to help bring up your chair or need a drink?" He asks her. " Umm no, I need you to grab me clean pants and undies, my water broke." Harmony tells him calmly. "Harm,did I just hear you right? Did you say your water broke?" Cal asks panic starting to edge in. "Yeah I'm almost to the back door. Where are you both? Something tells me that our children are not going to wait to be born. Ugh" She tells them slightly out of breath. She makes her way to the kitchen table and sits down. "Babe I'll be there in ten. I love you. I'm just crossing the creek now." Cal tells her. Brian comes down the stairs with a few bags and the clean clothes in hand. He helps her get changed then makes the phone calls to her doctor and momma C. By the time Harmony is in the truck Cal slips in back reaching for her hand as he leans in to kiss her cheek. "its really time isn't it?" He asks her trying not to allow the fear he is feeling to creep into his voice. Woman have babies all the time but if something happened to her he would loose his mind. She was his everything. "Look at me Cal, Everything is going to be fine. I got this. Its nothing." she told him trying to reassure him. She knew he has been having major anxiety over the birth. Brian got in next to her and they took a moment to hold hands and pray. Its something they did often now. It helped center them and did wonders for Cal. Half way to the hospital Harmony looks at Brian and tells him to put the petal to metal and floor his "damn truck" because things were going fast and she felt the urge to push. Brian turned white as a ghost and did as he was told. Fifteen minutes after making it to there room Harmony gave birth to a healthy 6lb 3oz little boy they named Finian Gabriel and seven minutes later he was joined by his little sister Galen Dawn. She out weighed her brother by a whole lb. After the doctors left and it was just the five of them they guys settled into the bed with there wife. One on each side. They helped her hold there children while she nursed them for the first time. Harmony looked at the babies and then at her men. She never felt more complete but knew she wanted to do it all over again. "So six weeks and then we try again." She told them. "Wait what? Harm you just gave birth to two. Don't you think you should wait a little?" Cal asked her. "Umm well I'm not going on birth control ever again so unless you both are getting snipped" She tells them while looking down at the front of there pants. "Hell no I am not. No one is taking a scalpel near my boys. He can" Brain speaks up. He knew she wanted lots of kids. They had talked about it yesterday in fact. About how she was dead set on not having a long time between the siblings. "Well then I guess I get my way. Maybe we can wait a month or two but I'm telling you both your knocking me up got it?" She demands. "Yeah babe I got it. Now give me my girl. I need to burp her. And you need sleep" Cal tells her as he takes Galen and Brian takes Fin. Harmony hands over the babies and covers up. Then lays back. Although she was only at the hospital for a little bit the doctors told her she was in labor for a bit longer. All back. She chalked it up to the back pains she had been having. She falls asleep and wakes up to find the Brain asleep next to her and Cal in a chair rocking the babies. He was talking to them telling them about crazy Aunt Grant and how they mom is the most amazing woman. "Well there dads are none to shabby. Bring them over? I want to try to nurse them. They said my milk will come in faster." Cal brings the babies over and Brian wakes up just in time to help hold them. And that is how they spent there first few months. One of the guys was always around. Even when Harmony went back to work. They took turns going with her. Grant was a natural with the twins. Harmony was amazed by her. For a woman who was all about being one of the guys, the minute to put a baby in her hand she was all soft and cuddly. She even laughed when Fin tried to nurse off her. Harm wondered to herself about it. She hoped her friend would find the same happiness she did. The way she kept looking at Eden told her she would be just fine in that department. 

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