part 7 of the Emails-Taking care

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June 18th 2017 Iraq


I'm glad you got home safe. It was nice to know that I got to be a man and take care of my woman even if it was only with money. I loved the pictures of you. I cant say either are my favorite. There both amazing. I just wonder what was underneath them lol. As for you sending Cal you lingerie I was a little out of line I just like to get him to blush. I can tell he finds you hot wont admit it out of respect for me. I find it funny. Wont do it again. I appreciate you taking care of us both. Its nice of you. I should start taking vitamins. Good call. So whats the plan for the next few days? I am leaving for who knows how long. Could be two weeks could be a week. Cal is going with me. Or us. The whole team is going. Thank god the cook is going to take care of our mascot. I am going to miss him. We leave in the morning. If I don't get back to you before know that this Marine loves you more then you will ever know. That your the most amazing woman a man could ever ask for. I am going to get my shit together. I have laundry to do. Got your box today. Cal and I will send a email from us both later. That way you have an extra message. Hugs and kisses and please do love Cal, He needs it Harm. He is a good man.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your man who plans,


P.s. my dare for you is to take a bath. I want you to ask Momma C for your present and I want you to take a bath. That's all. Just a bath. Turn on the jets, bring in some sinful dessert from the bakery. If you want to bring in the phone and listen to music or the laptop and watch a movie or something. Love ya babes.

Sends her a picture of his bunk with a box on it. Its decorated with stickers of babies and baby animals. Puppies and kittens and fawns.

June 18th 2017 Montana,

Brian, Cal,

Just got home. Thanks for my bottle of Chambord. Love that stuff. Glad you got the small bottle. I wont be tempted to drink more then I should. I'm sitting on our bed the box between my legs. I am just looking at it honestly. I'm just imagining your hands writing the address, someone taping it. The love that went into. I used Brian's knife he keeps in his night stand. By the way those toys look interesting we have to talk about them. Never knew you were into that kind of thing but hey. If that's what you want I am sure we can find you a man. Much love babe. I love the gifts guys. My favorite is the shirt with the hand prints. Its sweet every one put there's on it. Makes me feel loved. Grants hands are tiny, Cal your hands are huge. You know what they say about that right? You have a big heart get your mind out of the gutter pervs. The boxers are cute too but Brian was it necessary to put your hand prints on my boobs and ass? I mean I get it and so do they all. I'm yours. Men sometimes. Damn. Cal you get bonus points for your letter and Card. I will read it later. I love how it smells. Thank you so much. I know the body wash is from Brian because he knows I like Avon. They hang on the shower curtain and makes it easier for me use. I should send you both some. Adding it to my list for next time. I am going to guess the cook book is form Cal. How did I guess? I cheated and looked in the front. Thank you it made me cry. My first one from you. Is that a hint that you want me cook something for you from it? You tell me what and when you get here It will be cooked. I promise. Now the last thing. Sweaty shirt from Brian. I needed this a lot. Thank you so much. Going to sleep with it tonight. So I'm off to bed. Sweet dreams you two. Stay safe and behave. I love you both. Hugs and kisses

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your happy chick,


P.s. my dare is you both to come back, safe and sound. Its a double dare.

Sends a picture of her items on the bed she is lounging behind it in her new clothes from the guys.

June 20th 2017 Iraq,

Babe, Baby Girl

Its us. We only have half an hour. Were sitting here eating protein bars and drinking coffee. We wanted to thank you for the goodies. Were all packing the baked goods with us. Its better then mre. Those are just barely edible. At least we have you to make us good shit. The crop is here. So we dared each other to allow Grant to smack us with it. It hurt like a fucker.

Brian here, Babe those toys are for you. No way in hell a man is going near my ass but if you want I am sure I can find a man to go near yours. Looks at Cal who is blushing. He is shaking his head but come one now your hot. I also got the movies, Smart ass I am not watching my little ponies and frozen. Glad you left it in there though one of the guys is going to watch it so he can talk to his daughter about it. Thank you for the blanket. I love having you close to me. It was sweet. As for the pictures with my name on it. Damn. Licking my lips there hot. Not showing Cal those. I love you and the double dare accepted. Ill be back safe my love. My woman, my future wife. Hugs and kisses. Licks too.

Harm its Cal here. I do love my pictures. There perfect to hang up on the wall. It wont look so white and bare. Thanks for the poster too. My blanket is adorable. It looks like your giving me a hug. Your heart is huge. I promise to keep your man safe. He is a good man. I will get him back to you. Your have my word. Brian is so open and sharing with you. I don't mean that in a bad way. Its like he wants us to love each other. If only but cant think about that now or ever. I am taking the one picture of you in your hippy clothes with me. You have become my best friend Harmony. I love you tons. Hugs and kisses.

So we only have a few moments left but please take care of yourself. I know your going to worry and will probably freak out a little and that's understandable. We love you.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your men that have each others back,

Brian and Cal.

P.s. its Brian. I know everyone knows your mine but knowing my hands are on your tits and ass makes me feel happy. Call me a perv if you want but what ever. Your mine and everyone knows it. Squeezes babe. Ohh and the shirt. Nice harm. Love it. You should wear it to pick us up from the airport that is if I can con dickbag here to pack his shit up and move to Montana with us. He would make a great uncle to our kids. Hell he can share the house with us. Why not.

Sends a picture of them bent over and Grant smacking there short covered backsides.

Sends a picture a picture of Brian playing patty cake with Brutis.

June 21st 2017 Montana,


I did my dare. I'm in the tub with a piece of chocolate cake and a mixed drink. I put the apple oil in this time. I am thinking about lost of things. Trying not to but its not working. I think I am going to put walking dead on and just like ignore it all. I have like eight graduations cakes for this weekend its nuts. Thank god only one is big. Its for a set of triplets. I cant imagine having three babies in my belly. Holy hell batman. The stretchmarks would be massive and I want to breast feed. I only have two. So no thank you. I love you both, please be safe. Hugs and kisses.

Guys is it bad that I'm done with the truth and dare stuff? Its like just tell me what you want. Brian if you want to see me naked then ask. Cal if you want me to do something for myself or get Brian in trouble let me know and ill make it happen. I know how to bribe people. My cupcakes bring all the boys to the yard. Lol

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your girl,


P.s. Its going to be short messages for a few days. Lots to do.

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