Part 8 of the Emails- Busy, Busy, Busy.

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June 24th 2017 Montana,

Guys, my pals,

I am sorry its been few days. I have been so busy. I took an a wedding cake and a baby shower cake. I'm making my first ever 3d tub with a large yellow duck in it. There going to pull the plug to find out the gender of it. So I had to figure that part out. I hired Reese for the week. He said he needed something to do and I need extra hands. I think he is going to be someone I can depend on. So for a week at least no five am alarm clocks. I get to sleep in till eight. He likes the quiet mornings. I'm like hell no. Whew. I even had Sarah in the back cutting out flowers. We need something like eight hundred of them to cover the five tier cake. Yeah. Brian I am going to owe you more jd. I am not drinking a lot. Just a shot a night for the next week. It helps me sleep and I need to do that. I don't like doing it cause I don't like having to use something but shit happens. I'm in bed naked at the moment. Sorry Cal. I am. I am looking for a place that can overnight me fondant and gel and coloring along with white chocolate. I found a place but they want an lot. Thank god I told that to the woman that needed the wedding cake. They had a baker but something happened to her husband. So they were desperate and me being me why the hell not throw that on top of everything else I have to do. So pray for me. Love you, hugs and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your overwhelmed Baker,


Sends a picture of herself in bed with the blanket covering up most of her breasts. Just a little swell can be seen. Her hair is a mess and her fingers are stained from the food coloring.

June 26th Montana,

Brian, Cal,

I made it. I'm alive. I got the wedding cake done and its being shipped. Should arrive in Hawaii by wed for there wedding Thursday. I have never had a cake go that far. I'm proud. I also got the gender reveal cake done. There having a boy. Awwww. I have like five cakes left for this weekend for graduation and a few small platters of cookies and pastries along with two birthday cakes. One is cool. Its a barbie doll. Love it. Its else to. Do me a favor. Find out when that little girls birthday is will you? The one who's dad is going to watch frozen so he knows about it. I bet I could make one for her and send it to her from her Dad. I can even print out her name in edible sugar so it looks like he wrote her name in the cake. It would be my honor. So for the next few days its just relax time. Catch up on bills. Order more stuff. I need sugar. Omg and more fondant. I just ordered what I needed because it was an emergency. Thank god there coming out Tuesday. I also have to pay the household bills. Not that I am complaining just saying what needs doing. I need to do my laundry and wash the sheets. They smell. Hell this house needs a cleaning. Thank god for another miracle that Monday were closed. Were all getting a break. All of us have had it up to friggen here with flowers and sugar and last minute shit. So I am going to relax after I do what I have to do. For now I am going to eat a big breakfast because I am hungry. Well maybe not that big but I am going to eat damn it. Love you both. Praying your back soon. Will message you tomorrow. Maybe separate ones so you know how much you each mean to me. Hugs and kisses

Always and Forever, Forever and Always

Your baker is closed,


P.s. I am going to send out another box in a few days. Its going to have to be stuff that we can make extra of of. don't have the time to make a bunch of new things. Tell the team sorry. I love them but its wedding season and graduation season and all kinds of seasons.

Sends a picture of a pile of laundry and a messy kitchen. Just clutter where Harmony had thrown stuff when emptying her pockets.

Sends another picture of herself doing dishes wearing the shorts and shirt from the guys.

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