Just need him

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"Hi Harm. Now show me the ink" Bull demanded with a laugh. Harmony lifted her shirt and showed him. "Damn Harm go big or go home huh. I love it. Dev did an amazing job with the dog tags and there names. I like to subtle colors" Bull told her as he gave her a hug. "So you must be Brian nice to meet you. I'm Willian Zunta. But you can call me Bull." He said while holding out his hand. Brian shook it and then led him over for breakfast.

"Bro would you mind If I stole our Harm for a few hours? I wanted to take her to dinner then head to the mall. She has a few things she needs to do and I want to take her for steak?" Brian asked.

"Sure. I know this is something you need to do. I have had her to myself for the last five months. I would say your due a few dates. Besides Bull and I were going to play cards or something."

"So Harm would you go out with me tonight? Be ready by two? We can head to the arcade first?" Brian asked her.

"Babe anything. Cal can I borrow you for a moment." Harmony asked him holding out her hand. Cal went with her as she led them into their room.

"Whats up? Babe?" Cal asked her.

"I woke up for the first time in five months with out a kiss from my Fiance. So think you can fix that problem?" Harmony asked him as she worked on his belt. She needed him. He helped her and had his pants off in a few seconds. Harmony helped with his shirt and then her own. She met him mouth with hunger. His hands pushing off her shorts and then he ripped her underwear.

"Harm this is not going to be easy. I just need you. Are you ok with it" Cal asked her as he pushed on to the bed. Pulling her hips back up to him being careful of the ink. He knew she was wet because he could see it and smell her. He rubbed his cock up and down her a few times and pushed into her tight pussy. His hand going to her shoulders so he did not mess with her tattoo. He was going deep and rough and she was matching him, pushing back against him. "Babe you gotta be quiet. There going to hear you!" Cal told her. She was getting loud so she grabbed a pillow. He felt her start to contract around him and then he let himself go. There juices joining. "Damn Cal. I wanted a kiss when I came in here but Ill take that anytime. I love it when you don't mess around. Mmm. Damn. Now my kiss" Harmony demanded as she put her clothes on and brushed her hair. "Babe ill kiss you any time but that was down right sinful. I love you respond to me. How I don't have to touch you and your ready for me" Cal told her as he kissed her and put his shirt back on. The walked out holding hands and Brian lost it.

"Talk huh. I like the talk you do Harm. We need to talk later" Brian told her as he pulled her into lap. "Sorry Bri. I needed him. I cant explain it. I love us as a group but one on one is fun too and I have plans for us later." She whispered in his ear then took a bite of his cinnamon roll. She missed them.

"So when we going to go pick up the alcohol for the wedding? And the drinks? I am not drinking. Its not healthy." Harmony asked them. Bull had agreed to help with this kind of thing.

"I am thinking we could get it the week before. The non alcoholic stuff we could get when Grant comes back. When is your final dress fitting?" Cal asked her.

"umm the eight. I hope its fits. I have gained a bit more." She told them.

"And I love it Harm. You have padding in all the right places so don't even. Cal we have to go tomorrow to order our tux's for the reception." Brian informed him.

"ok so make it a mens day? I know Harm has a few things to do. Can we do that cake tasting in the afternoon?" Cal asked.

"sure. Bull you want to join us? Or are you going down to see Eden". Harmony asked him.

"I think Eden. I want to have her do some more work. Anything to get her hands on me."Bull told them winking.

"yeah yeah yeah. Do you guys want to spend the next few hours documenting the guns and putting them in cases? It needs to get done because when we move in they do too." Harmony asked them. They all nodded and spent the next few hours boxing up ammo and putting the guns in cases. At one Harmony left them to go get ready. At two on the dot she met Brian in the kitchen where he handed her a dozen roses.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now