Who do they think they are?

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When he left Harmony sat down on Cal's bed facing him, she leaned in put her head gently on Cal's shoulder. She just needed to feel him. She needed to feel his skin. Hear his heartbeat. She closed her eyes and sighed as he tilted his head to lean his scruffy cheek again her and then reached his arm around her and put his hand on her back. Inching it just under the edge of her shirt, and then tugged her closer. She rested her hand on his chest using her other one to keep the pressure off of him. They did not talk, just breathed and were. Each caught up in there own thoughts but needing the peace that only each other could bring.



"I'm angry"

"About what"

"with them"

"Who is them babe" Cal asks her not quite sure who has hurt her and who's ass he has to kick.

"Those that almost took you from me" Harmony tells him. Placing her hands on his face she looks in to his eyes. He was so wrong about changing them she thinks to herself just then. There not just blue, they have gold flecks in them. There intense right now. She leans in and kisses him.

"They didn't" he tells her. They would have had to try better. His team lit there asses up like fourth of july. They would never hurt another person again.

"but they tried. They tried to Kill Brian but you stepped in front of them. I'm mad they tried" Harmony admitted to him. Mad that someone could care so little for lives that meant so much her.

"They tried but did not do it Harm. I'm glad its me here and not Brian"

"Why are you glad" Harmony asked. She had to know. What good came of this. He was almost killed.

"Think of it this way, if they would have gotten Brian you two would be here and probably already married. We would never have gotten the chance to find us" Cal told her looking into her eyes. He needed her to know that he would not change a thing. This has worked out for them. Better then he could ever have dreamed. He has wanted Harmony from the moment he seen her picture but knew she was off limits, now she was not. Dreams do come true.

"Thats true but I'm still mad at them. I'm scared. Bri said they are going to stay in for a week. What then? I wish I could make him come home. I don't want to show him that I'm scared for him. That would just add to his stress. I just want us all back in Montana in our house living and not having to worry about some scary bastard with a gun that has either of you in there sights. Intent on killing you. Taking from me something that they have no right to take from anyone. I just want us at the lake. Far from anyone who could hurt us. I'm scared Cal. Your here because some fuck with a gun looked down the sights and decided that you were the one. That you had to go. That you did not deserve to come home to me. Now your here. Thank god your here and not in a god damn box but what if the next time its Brian. I can protect you. I cant protect him and neither can you. So what am i supposed to do. Wait for another phone call sorry your marine is dot dot dot. Hell no. I cant do it again Cal. I cant. I wanted to die when I got that call. I wanted to smash the shit out the house. Break ever fucking thing I could get my hands on. I wanted nothing more then to get to you. And Brian. I got to you but now I have what another six or 7 months of waiting. I'm sick of the waiting. I just want to start our life. The only guarantee in life is death. I have dealt with enough of it to know the truth." Harmony confessed. She knew she was having another moment but so be it. She needed him to know how much he meant to her.

"I know baby girl, I'm scared too. I cant wait to go home with you and see the lake and watch the house be built and then welcome Brian home. I know your angry with the guys that hurt me. They deserve your anger. Its part of the process. I'm angry at the war but its what I signed up for. I signed up to go fight. I'm done with it and Brian will be done soon too. Yes it seems like a long time but think of it as every night is one night you get to spend in bed with me. I think we should talk to the Chaplin about whats going on in our heads. Maybe write it down in your case if that's easier. I love you babe and if you need to let it out do it. I can take it. I think you should go for a run later. Leave your lap top up. If I wake up and your not here I'll Skype you. I think you need to let loose for a bit. Just run till you feel better. It will help. I do it. Or used to rather." He knew she was going to go nuts if they did not figure out a way for her to use up her energy. She was used to spending 12 hours on her feet doing crazy tedious shit. Now she was here in bed most of the time with him. Yes she needs to relax but not this much. She was not really relaxed for it all. She needed an outlet.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now