Part 14 of the Emails-New Beginnings.

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7/20/17 Montana


I got your package in today and I don't know what to say. First thing first. You have so much faith in us and I that amazes me. The fact that you put your property in our name means the world to me. It feels like no matter what now I am not going to loose the place that means most to me. I would gladly give up the bakery to have a home and life with you. And then you had to throw in adding my name to your checking account. That means that I can write checks to Jessie or for other stuff to do with the house. You trust me with out condition. Bri you know how much that means to me. Your my night in ca-mo clothing. I just don't know what else to say other then thank you for believing in us.

BTW I have to call the lawyer that handled mom and dads estate and my trust fund. He left a message. Who knows. But wanted to let you know. I love you babe and thank you again for making me the happiest woman on earth. I am truly lucky god chose you as a piece to my life's puzzle. I will be sending out a box tomorrow or the next day. I depends on if I can make it to the department store for stuff. Love and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your co-land owner,


Sent a picture of the deed and his bank card paperwork with both there names on it. Also his check book.

7/20/17 Montana


Hey, Hope your OK. I am sure you are but still. No news is good news when it comes to the missions.

I want to be known for my kindness and the ability to forgive people for things they have to me.I want to be the kind of person who see's a need and fills it if I can. I think its up to everyone to help those in need.

Fear, Driving at night. I have never gotten over what happened to my parents. I will do it and i do but It makes me afraid. I keep remembering had it not been for the accident Brian and I would not be together in the way that we are. I think it would have taken a longer time for us to progress to the lake and house and stuff.

The cake was a hit. The couple loved it. I am so happy. Tomorrow I have to head into the store and get some of the little items we need that we don't order in bulk. Like chocolate coloring and different oils. Also have to pick up rose water for cookies and almonds. It going to be fun.

BTW did you know that Brian was putting my name on his checking account and the lake deed? It was a nice surprise that made me smile. Its the best feeling. Hugs,

Your friend,


Sends a picture of a older couple with a anniversary cake, A big five zero on top. The couple kissing next to it.

7/21/17 Montana


So the lawyer asked me if he could stop by so we could talk. We went into my office and he handed me a check for $100,000. Its part of my trust money. There is a stipulation that if I own my own property before my 25th birthday then I get the money to help build a place to fix a place or what ever. So on that note I deposited in your now our account so i could help pay for our house. I asked Jessie if its possible to have the walls, roof and windows done before the snow. She said maybe. Lets see how the weather holds up. So lets pray Bri.

I made it into the store today and ended up buying you and Cal both some necessities. Lets hope he has a sense of humor because we both know i sure do. Honestly Brian, Cal is a really good dude. If I was to ever fall for someone it would be a man like him. I also got some groceries, so now you don't have to worry about me eating. i don't want to worry you but I am back to having night mares Bri. I am so sorry that I am not stronger. I am trying so hard. I think I just need to have you and never let you go.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now