Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice.

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That's what little girls are made of.

They loaded up the food and weapons, locked the RV up and then the shed. They were back at the house by five. Harmony's truck parked In the driveway. Before Svet could make it in the door Rosie was there. All smiles.

"Daddy, Daddy look at my nails. Money let me get them painted. See the flowers" She told him holding out her little hands. Tiny pink flowers were on her nails. Svet picked her up and hugged her.

"Wow. I love them. Were you a good girl today"

"Yes Daddy. I promised I would be. We had tea today too. Like a real tea party."

"wow. Lets go in and see Money. I smell dinner. Are you hungry"

"A little. I helped Money with the chicken. She let put on gloves like a doctor."

"Wow baby girl. Sounds like you had a great day." Svet said as he walked into the kitchen. Harmony was at the stove taking chicken out of the large pan of oil.

"Thank you Harmony for making her so happy. She had a rough time there for a bit after her mom died. I did not know she existed until she was two and child services contacted me. Her mom had over dosed while in a the middle of a Walmart parking lot. I only slept with her mom one time. That's all It took. But I have her now. Life it better with Rosie in it."Svet told her.

"Any time. I love her. She is so polite and had a kick out the the tea party I found online. It was fun. She has a lot of energy. We found her dress. I have pictures of it. I'll pick it up when I pick up mine. I'm sorry to hear about how her life started but she seems adjusted. She is a happy little girl. Your doing well Svet. Don't ever doubt that." She told him giving him a hug.

"What the hell Bro I turn my back for one minute and your making moves on my woman." Cal exclaimed.

"he-he yeah I'm thinking she has had enough of the domineering ways the Marine corp pound in there soldiers. I'm thinking she wants to try out a seaman" Svet told him laughing.

"Not at all. Never going to get enough of my two Marines." Harmony said as she walked over to Cal and demanded a kiss. He gave her one and then another.

"So dinner in ten. We gotta Call Brian. Fried chicken. Some bone in. Some Boneless. Rosie and I made home made nugget's. I also made Mac and potato salads and ice cream Sundays for dessert."

"Babe. I cant wait. I love you and missed you." Cal said. Kissing her neck.

"i missed you too. Now set the table please? I want iced milk please?" Harmony told him pointing the way to the table.

Bull and Cal set the table putting Rosie's booster seat next to Harmony's chair as she insisted upon. With the food on the counters and everyone had there plates Rosie started talking.

"Uncle Cal. Are you a prince"

"Why do you ask that Rosie"

"Money looks like a princess in her dress" She told them rubbing her eyes.

"She does does she." Cal inquired.

"yes really pretty. I get to wear a big girl dress too."

"Wow. Rosie. Sounds like you had a long day, You look tired" Svet tells her. Picking her up and putting her in his arms. Her head resting on his shoulder.

"I am. I want a bath Daddy. Can I watch a movie. Elsa please." Rosie whispered.

"Sure babe. Lets go get you ready for bed." Svet told her as he headed for there room.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now