Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer

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June 13th 2017 Montana

Brian, Cal,

So I got your dares. Cal one of yours I have done. I did have fun and there are pictures to show it. The other I set up. Before I leave I am going to do a pole dancing class. Brian yours I will do the day I leave. I do need new swimsuits. I loved learning about the flowers today. I picked it up quick. Tomorrow is chocolate. Not my thing but I'm going to learn it anyways. Cant hurt. Plus I get to eat it. The best part. The final day is fillings and trends. Going to help so I can bring new stuff to the bakery. We went out to eat with a group of us. I had some really good squash tonight. I don't eat that stuff but tried some of a Momma C's and it was amazing. Going to make some for you both. It was fried. I ended ordering my own plate of it and ate just that for the most part. I'm proud of myself. I adulted tonight. I ate my veggies. So I get a sticker? I am tired. So my dare for you both is the same. I dare you both to a picture of your selves that makes you feel umm sexy or wanted or handsome. I am going to do the same. Thank god I was able to take one that does not show too much skin. In this picture I feel amazing because I am thinking about something erotic in my head. I wont say what it is but I will say what I have found erotic in the past and what I do now is different. Love you both. Hugs and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your confident girl,


P.s. Tracking says your second package should be there tomorrow or the day after. I will send out another one or two the day after I get back.

Sends a picture of herself topless but her hair is covering her breasts standing up. She is wearing boy shorts and her head is back. She is biting her lip and eyes are closed. A dreaming look on her face. One hand is wrapped around her waste the other bent up touching her shoulder.

Sends other pictures of herself and Momma C doing things. One picture of flowers being made. The finished ones look real. Harmony is smiling in all of them. One has momma C tucking a red flower in her hair. She is wearing jeans and white shirt with her hair in a long braid. Her shirt has swipes of color on it and there is powdered sugar on her cheek.

June 14th 2017 Iraq.


So you want a picture of when I feel sexy? I'm sending you two. The first is from now. The second is of us. I feel sexiest when I'm around you. When I'm in your arms. That's when I feel my best. I loved the picture of you. You look serene. I am sure there is something sexual going on in your head because of you biting your lip. That's a tell for me. I know that when you look at me while doing that you want something. Usually me. I am glad your having fun. The pictures prove it. I know you well. That's a real smile. Your eyes tell the story. God that makes me happy to know your ok Harm. I still see the circles under your eyes but one thing at a time. I am going to head to bed. I will dream of you in my arms. Your head on shoulder. Your arm across my abs. Your fingers tucked into the edge of my pants. Remember the first time you woke up like that and were embarrassed? It was so cute. You were afraid I was going to be mad or think you were a whore. I did not. I encouraged to touch me. Do you remember the first time time you touched me? I do. We were laying on the couch, and I had put on die hard. You were not paying attention. Instead you started playing with my chest. I took off my shirt and you started playing with my nipples. That got me going but I tried to ignore it. You let your hand go down my belly and then you stopped at the top of my shorts. I ignored you and just gave you time. I wanted to take your hand and put down there and have you touch me. I was getting a little bored of my own hand. You grabbed my hand and put on your ass. Almost to tell me it was ok for me to touch to. Your fingers went under the edge of shorts just until you met my hair then you stayed still waiting for me to do something to stop you. I just laid there and you finally touched me. It was like angels were singing. Your small fingers wrapped around my hardness. You made me moan. You proceeded to jerk me off right there. I can tell you it was the best moment of my life up till then. It was a few more days till you asked me to sleep naked if I wanted to. I always tried and still do go for what makes you comfortable. Like the time I touched your boobs. We were in the back of my truck after getting done fishing. You were sitting between my legs and you were wearing a bikini top. I undid the bow with my teeth and I slipped my hands under the bottom of the top and rubbed them. Your nipples were sensitive. Still are. You moaned and came just from the touch. I bit you neck and you had to use cover-up to get rid of the mark. God Harm now I need I cold shower to rub one out. Just thinking about those first makes me wonder about our firsts that have yet to come. I love you. Hugs and kisses.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now