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"Mam, do you want to see? If not I understand. Its hard to see someone you love in this condition. I have good news though. I think the tattoo on his back should be OK. The skin over that area is only a first degree burn. The majority of his back is second with some third in there. The back of his legs has me worried. The back of the knees are hard to deal with. His arms are OK. But his neck is going to take some time. I will schedule time in the OR for him tomorrow. I want to do skin graphs and debrade some, its going to be a long road but it all depends on how well he heals. Keeping him down and calm is a must. If we do graphs and then he rips them its no good but neither is keeping him under all the time"

"I would rather not look if you don't mind. I will do my best to keep him relaxed"

In walks another doctor, he has a surgical cap on and is fallowed by a few younger looking people.

"Hi, I'm doctor Even, I'm the surgeon in charge of Sgt Markson's bullet wounds and the people behind me are my students"

"Hi, I'm Harmony, I'm Cal's umm health care proxy and friend"

As he checks the wounds by Cal's groin area and then the stitches on the back of his legs he tells her whats going on and shows her what he is talking about. Harmony tries to keep her eyes away from Cal's private areas. It does not feel right to her to look at them. Although she got the impression that he would not mind.

"Well things look good, I am going to remove his catheter while he is out. They are not fun. He can use the urinal now. A little blood is normal. From the looks of things he should not have any issues with his ability to have children or normal sexual relations but it would be great to get a sperm sample just to be safe. I think his muscles are healing well but I don't know at the moment if he will walk normally with out a limp of some sort. I am not sure if you noticed but the wound in his calf is rather nasty looking. They used a bullet that when it hits it explodes. So were going to have to check for fragments. We may just leave them alone but time will tell on that as well. I would like to get him moving to keep his muscles from atrophy but with the burns its going to be tough. Any ideas doc?" He says while looking at Dr. Baker

"hmm that's going to be hard. I know the prime care doc is concerned about pressure sores from laying on his sides. So what if he upped his pain meds a little and got him laying on his back. What ever makes him comfortable. We can also use the cooling blanket that goes under him. That should help him feel better but need to keep in mind not to cool him too much. We also can get our therapist to come visit him in a few days. I am going to have him under tomorrow if you want to look for fragments then?"

"Sounds like a plan. Also use the reclining chair? That would be better then laying flat all the time, any questions Harmony?"

"umm yeah. He is starting to eat and ummm that means he is going to need to use the bathroom, well the urinal is great, Well also I noticed his arms are scraped as well as his knees and other area. I want to make it clear. I'm here. I want to do everything I can to get him better and get him home."

Dr. Morin speaks up "Yes I get where your heading. I'm fine with him using the toilet as long as he does not walk to it. If he uses a wheal chair then I'm fine. If not bed pan it is. I have dealt with enough soldiers to know most wont use then. So let him know what I said when he wakes. Also I can ask the nurses to show you where the ointment is for the scrapes. I am happy your here for him and I think you being here is going to be the best thing for him. Keep him calm, fed, comfy and relaxed if a big job. You look like you can handle it. Any area that is not covered would benefit from massage. It will keep the blood flow going to it and stop clots. Make him move his fingers and arms and toes as best you can. That is if Dr. Winn is OK with it" Dr. Winn nods his head. They cover Cal's wounds, wash there hands, take turns writing in his chart and leave.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now