Part 13 of the Emails- Future

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7/13/17 Iraq

Baby Girl,

I hope this letter finds you well rested. You seem like you work yourself to the bone. I admire that. I think its a good quality. But i also think that you need to find some time to go fishing up at the lake or something. I understand that virginity thing we have talked about it before. It's admirable of you to want to wait. I can imagine its been hard for you. Hormones suck but where there is a will there is a way.

I heard from Brian that you two figured stuff out with your future marriage. I think that's good. Your wise beyond your years. Just another thing i admire. There is talk of Brian and I going out on a mission for a week. If it happens and I don't get another message to you I wanted to leave you with some homework of sorts. I will share my harder answers when I get back and my easy ones now.


1. Color-Blue

2. Food- Anything homemade but I love chicken and dumplings

3. Sweet- lemon items.

4. place- Your lake, it sounds like its perfect

5. Holiday-Christmas- Always wanted a huge tree

6. thing to wear-Nothing. I sleep naked

7. Exercise- I love to swim

8. thing to cook- Nothing I only know how to cook bacon- please help me

9. restaurant-the golden arches all the way- quarter pounder with cheese and bacon

10. Guilty pleasure-I love to get messages- just not from a professional

11. Game- i love to play monopoly

12-spender or saver-Saver- only ever bought my truck besides necessities

Now onto some other things

What is your dream date?

What is a turnoff?

What is your best memory as a child?

What is your biggest fear?

What is your something you have never done but have always wanted to?

What is something you want to be known for?

What is your ultimate Career goal?

What is something Brian does not know about you?

That sounds like a good start for now. If i don't talk to you for a week stay sane and Smile. Your just that good. Hugs,

Your pal that wants to know your secrets.


p.s. Do you mind pet names?

7/14/17 Montana


I was going to wait till tomorrow to respond to your message but I could not. I love you more now then ever. I seems that with every passing word and message I learn more about the man I can't wait to marry. I cant wait to have your ring on my finger and your baby in my belly. We are on the same page in our future wants. I can say honestly that god gave me you to keep me sane and healthy. You always worry about me and what I am doing. Babe I am counting the seconds and minutes.

I think we should definitely get working on the house. Lets see what can be done. I know you have some cash set aside for it and I plan on adding to it every month. I want to ask Jessie about getting the well and septic in this summer as well as maybe the foundation? At best we have two and half months. I bet we could get it done. I know we need some treas moved first but she will know who to contact in regards to that.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant