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Harmony turned around and went to the door that the nurse pointed to. 463 was painted on it in green. She bowed her head for a moment and prayed quietly to herself "God, please give me the strength to help Cal. Please make him OK, let him live. Please help Brian. I know he is going to miss having Cal around. Please put his heart at ease. Let him know that Cal is OK. Please protect us all as we go threw this. Amen". She opens the door to find a dimly lit room. Cal is facing away from her, she can see bandages on his neck and upper back. Harmony sets her stuff out of the way, she grabs her camera from her bag and snaps off a few shots. She always imagined she would meet Cal when Brian came home. They would both be in there fatigues, getting off a plane, Brian would give her a big kiss and Cal would fallow with a hug, they would go to the lake first thing.She never thought that something would happen to either of them.

Things change. She washes her hands and then with no way to put off seeing Cal she walks over to the side of the bed, his face looks peaceful but she can see scrapes and bruises covering what she could see of his body. The shadows from the machines casting a eerie green and red glow over him, the beeps letting her know he is alive, some how there comforting. Harmony pulls a chair over and sits down, leaning forward she puts her hand on the bed afraid to touch him but needs to be close to him. The nurse knocks and enters. She turns on the bedside light and begins to talk in a hushed tone "Hi, I'm Brenda. You look scared, I cant imagine, Mr. Cal probably wont wake up for a bit but when he is awake he asks for you. I gather your someone special to him?"

"I'm Harmony, Cal is my boyfriends best friend. They were serving together."

"Well Harmony, Cal is lucky to have a friend like you, right now everything is looking good. I need to change his iv bag, and check his vitals but he is doing OK. I wont tell you not to worry because I know you will. You look tired. Can I get you some coffee?"

"No thanks, I have iced in my bag. I'm the lucky one. Cal well Cal is a great person. I feel helpless. Is there anything I can do?"

"You being here is enough for now. You can hold his hand if you want, wipe his face down, ohh and if his lips get dry you can use the lip balm on the stand, it gets dry in here.He probably wont wake up till morning. If you need anything let one of us know. I'll be back in a couple of hours, Nice meeting you" she says as she closes the door leaving Harmony alone with her thoughts and Cal again. Harmony puts her hand under the blanket and finds his fingers, gently as she could she pushes one hand under them and lays her other over them then lays her head down on the bed and lets her tears flow. Her feelings are a mess, its great to see Cal but it makes it real. She feel scared and alone and so far from Momma C and she cant bake to make it all go away but at least she has him and he is alive. His hand is warm and the machines tell her he is alive but its not enough. She is great full but she wants to see his eyes, hear his voice. See him awake. To know the Cal she knows and loves even is in there. Right now all she has is his body but she wants his mind. She wants her Cal. Her shy but honest best friend.

What feels like a few hours later, but must be closer to six Harmony wakes briefly to Brenda coming back in to check Cal again. She puts a blanket over her and tells her to go back to sleep Its only 3 am. The doctor wont be in for a few more hours around eight or so. and by then he should be waking up a bit. Harmony cant believe she has been away from home for almost a full day. In the same clothes even longer but that stuff does not matter to her. She has Cal.

Harmony comes to when she feels a a hand on her face and the fingers she has wrapped around hers move.

"Cal you awake, ohh my god"

"Harm your here, I thought I was dreaming" Cal says in a whisper

"shh don't talk, let me get a nurse"

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz