Part 5 of the Emails- Harmony's parents.

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June 9th 2017

Brian, My future everything,

I am tired. So tired. I need another list of what people need. I am going to try to send out a package every week or two. I have new socks and shit like that ready to go and a surprise or two. Let me know I am heading to billings tomorrow. Need more fondant. Next time send a picture of your face too please. As much as I miss your cock. I miss your face more. Brian your my man. My everything. My life. Really happy to know your not mad. I am I don't know. I think I am going to stick with more funny dares with him. I feel like that maybe asking for pictures of Cal in shower was wrong. He asked about my parents. I think that is something that should be done between the three of us. I could start it and you could add to it then pass it on to him. I want to tell him. That would explain some things. I got the package or present you left in your drawer. I love the frame. Pieces of our life. Where did you get the picture? I cant be more then four? And you 11 or 12? its funny how far the age difference is there but now. Were perfect. Even there you had your hand on my hip. I wonder if we were destined to be one? I mean there we were. We were always pals. I love the scrap book too. I cant wait to fill it. Going to send out a photo order. So expect a hundred to come out of the account. Also sending you the pictures from the things I got. Only four this time. All on sale. Tell me your favorite. Maybe I'll do a strip tease for you. I love you. Hugs and kisses and my lips wrapped around your cock. I miss your taste as well.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your if I had balls they would be blue,


P.s. I am feeling like I could sleep for days. I dare you to send me shot of you touching my cock? Maybe with a little precum on it? I love how salty it is.

Sends few shots of her on there bed, her panties pulled to the side, her finger rubbing her clit. Her eyes looking at the camera. Also sends four shots of four different lingerie outfits.

June 10th 2017 Iraq


Just wanted to send off a quick message. I need insoles and foot spray or powder. Actually just send a few things of it. I am sure a few of us can use it. Also what about something to make this place smell better. These guys smell. Man I am glad your not here. They pass more gas then anything. I could also use fabric sheets. Ohh and boxers. Cal asked for donuts and coffee. Flavored creamer? If possible. He likes his shit with flavors. Me I like the plain shit. How about some koolaid or Gatorage packets or chews. We sweat a lot here. I also need gum and anything else you can think of. Hell send Cal some boxers too. The ones he wears I'm afraid for his swimmers. There going to overheat and kill what good ones his old ass has left. Love him though. As for the dares I'm fine with it but if your not do what makes you feel right. As long as your clothes are on. Were good. I'm proud I have a hot young woman waiting for me. The guys love you. Even Grant. She asks me if I am sure a woman cant take my place. I tell her no but hell maybe. I agree about the thing with your parents. If you tell your part of it and send it to me and I write it mine then send it to him then ask him to write any questions to us both that would help things. It was a complicated thing. You only know so much. I only know so much then we have what found out. You have fun in billings. Btw Cal is an xl. He is taller then me. I love you. I will get your shot later. When I get in the shower. I dare you to send me a shot of you naked cooking in our kitchen.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

Your man who had stinky feet,


P.s. My feet my stink but my body is clean. All ready for our wedding night when I sink my cock balls deep in your pussy. My name on your lips. My seed filling your womb.

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