Taking Care of Each other.

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""Hey babe, Hi asshole What are you up to?" Brian asked him.

"thats Sir asshole to you" Cal told him sternly then started smiling.

"I wanted to open my box from you two while I had you on Skype" Harmony was giddy with excitement.

"Sounds like a plan but if you smack him make it hard. I wanna watch that one" Brian told them making a bitch slap motion with his hand.

"not a chance she is gonna smack me bro. She wont hit a pitiful Injured soldier would she?"

"wanna bet ass-hat. While your laying in bed with my ole lady I'm stuck here withe thees smelly touch-holes"

"I hear you on that, I promise I'm keeping my hands to myself"

"I trust you bro" Brian asured him.

Harmony opens the box and pulls out tissue wrapped items. Eight of them in all and then two flat card shaped envelopes. She opens the first one that says from Brian. Its a boxed set of season one threw 6 of walking dead. On DVD.

"I love it Bri. Now I can watch it in the RV. Ohh my Creepy. I cant wait. Thank you" Harmony says and then blows him a kiss.

The next item she opens is from Cal. Its a walking dead T shirt with Daryl and Carol.

"Cal. Really? Where did you find it? I'm in love. I cant wait to wear it. Tomorrow." Harmony blows him a kiss.

"Harm why did you blow him his kiss. He is right there. Give it to him"

"Are you sure Bri?. Your OK with that?"

"I'm sure. If we even have a chance of making it I need to see how I am going to feel about it, and at least threw Skype I cant punch him" Brian says with a chuckle. Harmony leans forward and gives Cal a quick peck on the lips. She grabs another present, this time its wrapped in orange paper. Its from Brian. She finds a package of bath bombs in summer fruit scents.

"Bri whats with you trying to get me in the tub?"

"I'm hoping you will bring your camera and send me some pictures but now I can pray for Skype and our hot tub at the house"

"Deal I'm down. Cal you OK, Your quit"

"I'm fine. Brian can the convo happen tonight after she is done. We need to talk" He cant wait any longer to talk to his brother about things. Get it out of the way then not have to deal with it again.

"Sure. Harm you OK with that"

"Yeah we need to talk the three of us then you two. I will head down for snacks. But I want to finish please?"

"OK that a plan, open the blue one next Harm. Its from me" Cal says. She opens it to find body oils in the matching scents of the bath bombs, she leans in and kisses Cal quickly. "I cant wait to get home and use them I know I am going to love the raspberry. Than you"

The next thing she opens is from Brian. Its a set of thongs with fruits on them'.

"are you trying to tell me you wanna see me with a peach on my pussy Bri"

"Nope I'm trying to tell you I want to see in nothing but a pair of those. Soon, hint hint"

"I heard your hint hint loud and clear last night pal. Thanks. Nice to know someone is seeing something. Sorry Harm. Your wiggle in your sleep but at least we know it works"

"I'm sorry bro. I should have warned you. I never complained because If she wiggled she had to take care of it. Remember those morning Harm?" Brian asked her teasing, making her blush and roll her eyes.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now