Unexpected Friend.

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Sorry about the super short Chapter. This only one of a few of them..

A knock woke them up. Harmony scooted back to her bed and called "come in". In walks a lady. She is caring a few bags.

"Hi I'm Monica. I'm the dc chapter president of welcome home with help"

"Ohh yeah Brenda mentioned you would be by, Nice to meet you. I'm Harmony. This is Cal. don't mind him, he is sorta in and out of it"

"I wont. I have dinner for you, How does chicken pot pie sound with key lime pie for dessert and a salad? I also brought you over some things I know I missed and did not pack when my husband was in here."

"wow that's nice of you Monica. It smells amazing. I did not realize I was hungry until now. So your husband was here?"

"yeah, he was here for a few weeks the year before last. He is fine now. Well as fine as he can be. When I was here I kept a list of things I wish I had and now I try to bring those things to loved ones that are here, its hard to leave to go to the store"

"Yeah Cal doesn't want me to leave his site for the most part. I have never been on a plane before now. I did not know what to pack. The weather is different here then in Montana. I appreciate it"

"its the least I can do. I also have a few other things for you. There are gift certificates for dinner for two in here to five local places that deliver along with there menu's, Also there is one for a grocery store that delivers if you want to cook, and we have a few others too. Such as a bath and body store, A bakery, a ice cream place and a clothing store. Those should help you. I am also here if you need someone to talk to or just need another woman around. I wont stay, I have someone else to visit too. Its nice meeting you Harmony. Please Call me." Monica said as she left.

Harmony took the food and out it on the counter, then looked in the bag. She found a cute pair of fleece pajamas and slippers for them both. She also found some nail decals, lip balms, lotions that were un scented as well as unscented body products, hair ties, headbands, and face cream. There was also a few books and gift card for e books. At the bottom was a fluffy towel and a throw blanket that had the American flag on it and a teddy bear. Harmony put the bear on her bed along with the blanket and put the other stuff away all the while talking to Cal. She got on her computer and returned email while waiting for cal to wake up. Around seven or so he woke up.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now