Helping Where she can.

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" Harm"

"hey sleepy head, Hungry? Monica brought us salad, chicken pot pie and key lime pie, How does that sound? I also can make you some hot tea with mint if you want some or cocoa,"

"Cocoa, please I'm starving, You eat with me please? Umm I gotta us the bathroom"

"ill call the nurse and when your doing what you need to do ill warm up dinner for us. Ohh, you have to use the wheel chair to get to the bathroom and your gonna need the nurse to help you"

"what ever. I gotta pee"

"I can help you with that part but will call the nurse anyways"

Brenda walks in with a smile on her face "whats up?

"Umm he has to use the bathroom, I can help with the first part but wanted you here to show me how to sit him up. I'm afraid I'm going to hurt him or pull on something"

"No worries. First thing is to grab an extra towel to cover him and a blanket to put in chair so its not cold or uncomfortable." Brenda tells them as she gathers what she needs. "Cal are you OK with me showing Harmony how to help you with the urinal?"


"OK Harmony first you sit up the bed a little and swing his legs over side. Plant them on the floor first and wait a moment, Cal, Can you shift you legs apart just a little. Do you think you can hold yourself in the urinal or do you need help?"

"umm I can. But cant hold the bottle"

"that's fine. Harmony if you hold the urinal close to his groin he will do the rest. Beware its going to hurt to pee for a bit, that happens after catheters. And there may be blood" Harmony and Cal manage to do what Brenda says with out too much blushing. Then Brenda helps Cal in to the chair, they disappear into the bathroom. Harmony takes the time to warm up there dinner adding two large cups of cocoa to the table. By the time Cal is back in bed the cooling blanket under him and pain meds on board dinner is ready.

"OK guys, if you need anything let me know, if not ill be back in around ten for vitals" Brenda told them.

"You OK Cal"

"tired. It hurts, I'm hungry. Don't like her wiping my ass"

"I know. But its just for now. So there going to send you in for surgery tomorrow to do graphs, Also the doc said to tell you that your back tat is not ruined"

"Good, how does it look?"

"I don't know. I chose not to look,to be honest could not do it. I stood here and held you hand"

"That's OK, Call Brian, while we eat?"

"Great Idea" Harmony grabs the lap top and calls him.

"Hey Harm, I just got back from the gym, heading in for a shower, Wanna watch"

"Hell no, ugly fucker"

"not you, fuckface, and don't pretend you haven't seen me naked before"

"not by choice"

"Yeah yeah, the offer is still open babe"

"umm I would love to, but Cal and I are going to eat dinner while were talking to you, but if you wanna take us in there with you, I'm fine, just angle it so we cant see anything below the waist"

"OK I'm fine with that but only if you return the favor sometime, and I wanna watch the whole thing"

"I'm down, Anyways how is everyone?"

"there fine. Missing Cal. Worried about him"

"Are they there?"

"Some of them"

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now