Part 3 of the Emails. Cal Knows

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June 1st 2017 Montana

Hey babe,

This has to be quick. I have two cakes going out in the am. Can you let Cal know I'll message him tomorrow. I feel bad. Give him a hug for me please. Btw who the hell is the hottie next to you? Not the chick. I'm guessing that's my girl Grant. Tell her hey and I have something special in the next box for her. Got it yesterday. I love you. Sorry its short. So much to do. And I am sleeping for the most part and I have not had to get grocery's because I have been eating at the bakery and diner. Also been using up the elk from lat winter. Don't want it going bad. Don't worry. Still alive. Love you much. Hugs and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always.

                                                                                                    Your future Wife,


P.s. Thanks for the picture of his ass. I will admit its a nice ass. So that back fired. Maybe I should send him a picture of my ass? Hmm. Bet you would not like that. One like this.

Sends him a picture of her in her thong. Posing in the bathroom at the bakery. Its red lace.

June 1st 2017. Iraq.


So I heard you seen my ass. Your man is a douche canoe. I was training aka being the doggy chew toy and he got a little rough and my padding slipped. I now have a sore ass and like twenty stitches. Little does Brian know. He is next on the list. Fucker. I cant sit and am on light duty for a week. So when he leaves the day after tomorrow. I'm here. I don't like it. I belong with my team. At least I can be here to message you so your not worried. Anyways Brian told me you had cake orders. Sometimes its seems like your life is the bakery. I get that. The corp is mine. We should both take a break. I heard your comment about the hot one standing next to Brian. That's me. Glad you think I'm good looking. I think your pretty damn beautiful. I find it funny. Brian was peeved about that but secretly I think he liked it. Brian is odd like that. Cant tell what he is thinking then again I know he tells you the same about me.

So send me some pictures of the lake. Tell me about it. What makes it special? Tell me about how you got the bakery so young. Sense I'm asking questions I'll tell you how I got in to the Marine Corp. I was 17 and homeless. I got into some trouble steeling from cars trying to get food. A judge told me that he could try me as an adult but told me if I joined the services that he would drop it all. I asked him what branch. He told me to pick. I went that day and the first recruiter I came across that I liked I signed the papers. Well as best as I could. I had to wait a week for me turn 18. When that happened I shipped out. Changed my life. If that judge did not see something in me that day I would have been headed to jail. Not kids jail but jail. I have sense gone back and thanked him. . The last time I was there I was boy. A boy with out a purpose. With no family. With no reason to do good. Just trying to survive. I walked back in there a man. A proud man. A man that lead a team, that had others May 23rd 2017-Montana

lives depending on him. A man that had a reason do the right things. I asked him why me? Why did I get the second chance where others have done the same thing and got jail. He looked me in the eye and told me that the reason he did it was that when I was caught I was caught with food. That none of the cars that I have broken into had anything else taken other then food. That when he asked I admitted what I had done. I did not tell him why. I did not try to down play steeling. I had taken accountability for what I had done. He knew I had stolen only food. That even though I was doing what I had to to survive and stealing food to eat should never be a crime I was willing to take what punishment I had coming. He was right. He also told me that he knew I would make a fine soldier. That he fallowed up on me and he was proud of me. He died six years ago. I took my one and only leave I have ever taken and went to his funeral. He was an amazing man. Was killed handing out food to kids on the street. A stray bullet meant for someone else. I cried that day and shook the hand of his wife and two grown kids. My age. They did not know who I was or why I was there but I knew. I knew because of her husband and there father I was given the best gift I could have been given. So that's my story of the me joining.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now