Games to be played.

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Brian hung up and Harmony loaded Netflix. She ripped the piece of paper up and threw it in the garbage. Feeling at odds with the whole conversation. She is not impressed by money. At all. She was impressed with him. Even if he was being an asshole today and did not understand. She knew she was feeling a bit on the emotional side of things. It was that time of year. Her parents died this time of year. In a week it would be three years and she could not be there to put flowers on there headstone.

"So what movie tonight? I was thinking we could watch rush hour? Jackie Chan?"

"I love that movie. I could use a good laugh or ten. Milk? Or do you wanna try one of the juices I got?"

"Milk please.Thank you Harm for getting it for me. I cant wait to get home and settle in and do the simple thing. Figure out a schedule. I cant wait to see you back in action baking. I cant wait to see the bakery. To meet momma c." A knock on the door interrupted him. Harmony answered the door and paid the delivery person for there dinner. She set it down on the table and opened it all. Not bothering to get plates. She sat facing him the table in between them. With a towel tucked into the blanket Cal was able to feed himself.

"wanna make a game out of it?"

"What are you thinking?"

"How about you only feed me and I only feed you? But where ever you drip it You have to lick"

"hmm this could get interesting. Sure ill play but I want a spoon to feed you with. I don't want to stab you like you did me."

"next time its your hand wise ass. I made up for It didn't I? I kissed your boo boo and made it better."

"and them some. So what do you want first?"

Dinner turned out more fun then either could have imagined. Cal used his arms with out even noticing Harmony's plan to get him moving and he only spilled once. He got rice down the front of her shirt. She promised he could clean it up later. They sealed the deal with a kiss or ten. After dinner was over they read there fortune cookies. His said "To conquer your flaws you must first accept them' it made him smile and frown and gave him something to ponder. Hers "Should have is a favorite phrase of those looking for excuses". Harmony took that to mean that she should live in the moment and just be. Not worry about what others think. Just do. Feel. Be free to be. Harmony took there fortunes and taped them to the checklist. Cal used the bathroom while Harmony cleaned up and got there drinks ready for the night. It was not quite bed time but she wanted to just sorta let the shit from the day go and fallow her fortune. She wanted nothing more then to feel her mans arm around her and to listen to his heartbeat. His hands drawing beautiful designs on her skin. His breath ruffling her hair. Harmony sighed deeply and went back to picking out clothes to wear to bed. She wanted something that covered herself but was also cute and comfortable. She chose red lace boy shorts with a red racer back style tank with a built in bra. When Cal was done Harmony took over the bathroom after getting dressed she brushed her hair out leaving it down. Added a slash of body spay and some lip gloss. She heard the nurse leave just as she was swiping on a touch of mascara. Leaving the light on she walked out of the bathroom feeling confident and excited that her and Cal were going to spend some time bonding.

"Damn Harm, what are you trying to do to me" Cal exclaimed as he looked her up and down. He motioned her closer to him. "Spin for me please?' she did. Slowly then made her way over to the bed. She did not wait for him to lift the blanket for her to climb in next to him. She did it herself.

"what movie you want me to put on?"

"Honey I don't care what you put on because I have no plans to watch it. I have far better things to do."

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now