"Don't scar me Harm. That's sick. Hearing about my brother banging my sister" Grant said.

"Brother is one. I'm talking Brothers as in plural" Harmony declared.

"Thanks harm for the visual, Merry Christmas. And I would think of no one here who would rather be home then see Brian home. We knew that in voting him it was not just for him it was for our other brother and for the one who is willing to take on them both. You have taken care of all of Harm. Every one of our birthdays. Halloween. Hell even Christmas. Stuff for a new years party. Snacks, clothes. Socks. You name it we had it because of you. So it was an easy vote. We all voted him. Harm its the least we could do. So on that note. I want to see you all together. So I can screen shot it to send to my mom. She knows why I voted and asked for a picture of you all" Okie said.

"Just a second Okie. I'm cutting onions. Tell you mom I said hello and Ty for understanding. Thank you all. You all have no clue the gift you gave me." Brian told him as he put the onions in the frying pans with the sausage. Adding the celery next, the garlic and some butter. He washed his hands. Then went to stand to the left of Harmony. Cal taking the right.

"So guys this is us. This is what you did for us. You made us whole twenty days early. That's twenty more days that we get to have before taking the next big step." Harmony told them. Brian looked at Cal and patted his pocket. Cal nodded patting his.

"Harm Cal and I had a plan but I cant imagine doing this with out the team. They made it possible." Brian said then dropped down on one knee.

"Harmony Ann Matthews-Markson I have known you all our lives. I took the first seventeen of those to get to know you. Then one more to realize you were mine. I know that you were far more a girlfriend the moment I got the word help. I know that if I lost you I would never be the same. That I would forever be missing a piece. We spent the next three of those years proving to each other what we already knew. We were meant to be. Then life threw us a curve ball. You fell in love with my best friend and I knew for sure that we were destined to be a throuple. That if he did not join us we would be missing a piece I never knew I had to have. You took care of him as he took care of you for me. I am madly in love with you. You make me feel like I belong. Like I am a man. Like I am supposed to be. So Harm will you do me honor and Marry me?" Brian said Holding a ring in his hand. It was beautiful. Sapphires and Diamonds.

"Yes a million times over" Harmony said as he stood and kissed her. Cal put his hand on Harmony's shoulder. A ton of clapping could be heard threw the headphones. Lots of congrats. Harmony blushed. Cal pressed himself to her back. Brian to her front and they held her for a moment. Savoring it. Then Cal turned her around. And started talking.

"Harm its traditional for me to be on my knee but you and I both know I'm not traditional. We aren't traditional. Harmony I love you more then life. You have showed me true love. Unconditional love. I never thought I would be in this kind of relationship bit here I am and there is no place I would rather be. I had my doubts right up until this morning. Up until Brain came home to us and kissed you. Instead of jealousy I felt love. Love knowing that he was making you smile. That when I cant he can and we can together. I know we have not had twenty years but we have had five amazing, trying, wonderful months. That's not nearly enough for me. I want forever with you and my best friend. So will you Harmony Rae Matthews-Markson marry me?" Cal asked her holding out a ring box. Nestled in was a ring with three intertwining knots with there birthstones.

"Only if you promise to never leave me. Either of you. This is for life." with that he slipped his ring on her finger.

"so Harm you bagged them both. What now" Grant asked.

"i show you all my new bling and then stuff my turkey then go take a shower" Harmony told her blushing.

"Yeah yeah. Call us later. Congrats. See yo soon Harm. We have plans don't forget"

"I wont bitch you just wanna see me squirm while under the needle"

"oh we will have her doing that in about ten minutes." Brian said. Now that he had his ring on her finger why wait.

"I bet you pervs she wont be walking straight for a week" grant told them laughing.

"if we do our jobs right she wont be." Cal quipped in then shut the the laptop. They got the turkey stuffed then in the oven. The ham prepped and breakfast out and they all had a few bites. Harmony took there hands in hers and led them to there room. When the door was shut she began undressing Cal. His shirt came off first she turned him around and began kissing his scars. She knew he was weird about them and she wanted to make it no big deal. Brian pushed down her shorts as her hands found Cal's belt. She loved that thing. He had slapped her ass with it a time or two. It made her wet.

"What you thinking about fiancee" Brian asked as his hand found her panties.

"I'm thinking Cal need to help me with his pants before I injure his python with his zipper" Harmony told him a little breathless. Cal laughed and turned around his zipper coming down. He was commando. She bet Brian had on boxer Briefs.

Cal was pushing up her shirt taking it off her. He threw it in the hamper and added his from the floor.

"Wanna take this to the tub?but before we do I have something for us. A little gift . Harmony told them as the walked in to the closet and grabbed two baskets wrapped in bright paper. She handed them each on and they tore opened them. They each found a basket of toys and lubes. Different shapes and sizes. Flavored stuff. Anti gag items. A paddle in Cal's and a body paint kid in Brian's. He was a little more gentle then Cal. Harmony craved them both. It was like having two flavors of ice cream in one cone.

"Damn babe. I like this kind of gift. So the tub sounds nice. I'm bringing a few things though. It would be rude not you." Brian told her pinching her nipple.

"What do you want to use Harm? I'm guessing the lube and the paddle. Maybe some flavored stuff so you can see if you can turn my python into a spitting cobra." Cal told her.

"Bring what you want" Harmony told them as she headed for the tub. She left her panties on just in case. Brian came in first. He started taking off his clothes but Harmony stopped him.

"Babe I have not undressed you in almost seven months. I need this."She told him as she kissed him. Her hands rubbing his jeans. This was to typical Brian. She bet he had a bandanna some where. Her bet was back pocket folded up. She undid his belt then took off his shirt. Her lips finding on nipple then the other. His hands were on her hips. Rubbing circles. She unzipped his fly sticking her fingers behind so she did not get him. His head was pressing against her hands. She pushed his jeans down. Letting him take them off. She was right about the underwear. She love the sight of him. Brian was different then Cal. His hips were wider as were his shoulders. Brian reminded her of a cowboy. Cal a hardened soldier. Even the way they stood clothed. Brian always had his thumbs in his belt loops. Cal had his behind him. As if he was at attention.

"Enough of this shit Harm. Start the bath and take off those underwear if you like them" Brian warned. He took off his socks and put down the few things Cal handed him. Cal had lit a few candles. Then turned off the light. He was naked and stood up in the tub. Not quite sure where to sit. Harmony had taken off her thongs and was now standing with Cal and Brian joined them. She was not sure what to do. Brian took a seat and pulled her between his legs. Cal took the one seat next to them. Brian began to message Harmony's neck and back. He knew she needed it. She was tense and a bit nervous.

"don't be scared Harm. Just feel." Brian told her as found her spot and biting it. Cal sat back and Just watched. He was interested in seeing how Harmony responded to Brian's touch. He was getting hard just seeing it. Brains hand her one her breasts and her head was resting on his shoulder. Her lips were parted a little her hands were resting on his knees. "Cal I could use some help her. Think your up for it"

"I'm not quite sure what to do honestly" Cal admitted.

"Bro I know you know our body. Do what you know she likes. This is new to all of us. We will be OK. Its not odd for me. Just a little like I don't want to step on toes." Brian told him.

"That's exactly why I'm sitting here."

"Babe please. I need you too. Thank you for giving me time with Bri. But I know your dying to let your fingers do a little walking so let them" Harmony pleaded.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now