"I don't need them"

"Yeah you do. Fuck it you win. Now take the pills and stop being ass. Sir"

"Harm ill take them because you asked me to but I don't want them" He told her taking the pills. Then headed for the bathroom. Harmony took off her thongs and fallowed him. Stepping in the tub she stood the middle holding out her arms for him. He had already started it and added some Epsom salt to it. He stepped in and went into her arms laying his head atop hers. His arms wrapped around him. She could tell something was bothering him but she did not know what.

"Sit down and ill sit between you legs or do you wanna sit between mine"

He motioned for her to sit and she did and parted her legs for him to sit. His head resting between her breasts. She put some oil on her hands and started to message his shoulders and neck feeling the tension leave. She continued on to his arms and and then his chest. Then just wrapped her arms around his middle. Holding him like he often did her.

" So whats wrong?"

"The guys don't know how messed up my leg is. I cant help them with the business. I cant be a body guard. I cant frig-gen drive Harm. I cant even ride a four wheeler. What am I going to do? I'm going nuts around here."

"Cal a little more then a month ago you were knocking on deaths door. You need to chill. If you want something to do come to the bakery with me. I have lots of stuff to do. Or I don't know. Babe I don't have answers. I do think you should show them. Your back and your leg. And its going to get stronger. You know that. Your never going to be back to the you that could runs miles but I don't care. I got you. That's all that matters to me. We just need to find you something to do."

"I'm afraid to tell them Harm. It was always the plan for me to join them."

"I get that hon but plans change. You could not do that and us to."

"I know but I'm going stir crazy. Thinking of the future. While your working and Brian does what he has plans to do. What I going to be? A house wife?"

"Not at all you would not look good in my apron. And besides when we start having kids I'm bringing them with me. Going to get someone to help part time."

"Do what does Brian have planned"

"Not a clue really. There was a small talk about building a few cabins and letting wounded veterans use them as a get a way of sorts."

"I like that idea. We should talk about it"

"Babe what do you think about helping Jessie with the house? She lives not far from here. Goes past here everyday. What about riding with her and helping build the house"

"You think she would let me? I mean I'm not much help but I know basic stuff. Even if I do just three days a week"

"I know she would her ole man does not like her driving up there by herself. Plus if she had any questions you could answer them for the most part. And it would get you out of the house three days a week leaving the other two for pt. Then the weekends just us. Plus you could learn some stuff. Who knows find a new thing to do. Even keep an eye out for my buck. That bastard is mine"

"Can you call her tomorrow and see? I would need to get some stuff to take with me for lunch."

"I will. Now. You won what do you want"

"I would say we both won but I want you to find a pair of underwear. Man Harm I don't know if I'm with Brian about waiting till the wedding. We get hot sometimes."

Harmony got out and grabbed a pair of boy shorts. The plug still in place. She climbed back in and straddled Cal rubbing against him. He reached his hand into the back of her panties and turned on the vibrator. She started grinding faster. He bit her nipple and the her neck.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now