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     HAYDEN AND JORDAN SAT in their condominium, their hands entwined as they looked at old baby pictures of the both of them. They giggled and shared bright and beautiful smiles as both of them imagined how their child would look like in nine months. They knew they had to break the news to their parents soon and that's what Christmas break was for. The Flores family were flying up from Florida and the Connor family were driving down to spend time with the couple. "You know we have to tell mi ama, right?" Hayden asked. As if she had been summoned, momma Flores' contact name popped up on Hayden's phone, wanting to FaceTime.

     Hayden's eyes widened and she stood up, throwing the phone at Jordan. It hit him in the chest and he groaned before picking it up and throwing it back at Hayden. Hayden caught it in her hands and threw it back at him. "You answer it, she loves you more!" Hayden whisper-yelled as if she could hear her.

     Jordan threw it back at Hayden. "She's your mother!" Hayden groaned and answered it, putting a false smile.

     "Hey mommy." She smiled, looking at the screen where her mother's face popped up. It was close to the screen as she tried to figure the app out. Laura's eyes widened once she saw her daughter's face on the screen.

Laura smiled. "Ay, mija! Hi sweetheart! Where's Jordan?" Hayden chuckled and flipped the camera to show Jordan sitting on the couch, biting his nails. He waved to the phone. "Hi, mijo! Cómo estás?" Laura asked him.

Jordan smiled and walked over, Hayden flipped the camera so Laura could see her daughter and Jordan. "Estoy bien, Laura. Y tú?" Jordan asked, furrowing his brows lightly as he wrapped one arm around Hayden's waist and stuffing his other hand into his black jean pocket. Hayden wondered if Jordan remembered that her mother spoke English.

"I'm doing good, hijo. How are you guys? I was just calling to check up y Jami just taught me how to do this since she was visiting and we were wondering what was going on with you two." Laura told the couple. The two chuckled.

Hayden and Jordan shared a glance and Jordan shrugged, a wide grin spreading on his face. If Hayden thought that she was going to be the most excited about the pregnancy, she was completely wrong. If anything, Jordan couldn't wait for the nine months he'd have to to hold his child in his arms. Hayden looked back at the camera and she sighed. "Ama, is everyone there? Who's there?" Hayden asked.

     Laura looked at something behind the camera and seemed to be counting inside of her head. "Ah! Quien está aquí? Nomas Jami, Manuel, and your dad." Laura answered. Manuel was Jami's fiancé. The two had been dating for a while in secret before finally spilling it to the Flores family. They reached two years when Jordan and Hayden reached a year.

     "Okay, gather everyone in the living room because Jordan and I have something to tell you." Hayden told her. Laura had a face that made it seem as if she already knew what they were going to say.

     "Chingada — , estas embarazada?" Laura asked after they had all sat down and placed the phone beside a book to hold it up. Jami's eyes widened and as did Manuel's. Jose didn't look all too happy, but Laura was ecstatic. Hayden and Jordan looked at each other before they looked at the camera and nodded.


BRAD AND NICOLE WERE already originally going to show up to Hayden and Jordan's condo before they made the decision that they would tell Jordan's siblings when they showed up. When they walked in, Brad and Nicole were already looking confused due to the grin that Jordan had as he welcomed them in and asked how their drive was. The siblings sat down on the couch as everyone waited for the rest of their Riverdale cast mates showed up. Eventually, it was a full house. On the couch sat Jasmine, Charles, Lili, Cole, KJ, Ashleigh, Casey, and the girls who were there from the very first day: Madelaine, Cami, and Vanessa.

     "What did you guys do?" Casey asked as they looked in between the two. Hayden bit her lip and shrugged, Jordan and Drew coming into the living room with snacks and drinks.

     "Are you guys getting married finally?" Cole asked, raising a brow as everyone laughed at how he emphasized the word 'finally.'

     Hayden and Jordan sat together on a seat in front of their Christmas tree and both let out deep breaths. "We told everyone to bring a pair of headphones with them, so did they?" Hayden asked. They all nodded and plugged their headphones or earbuds into their phones and all blasted out such loud music that Hayden and Jordan could hear the different genres. "Can you guys hear anything?" Hayden asked.


     Hayden shook her head and gave them a thumbs up. She looked at Jordan and Jordan took her hand. Jordan pecked Hayden's lips before they both turned to their best of friends and Nicole and Brad. "I'm pregnant." Hayden said.


     "I am pregnant." Hayden repeated, rubbing her stomach.

     "YOU'RE HUNGRY?" KJ asked, furrowing his brows as he looked in between them. The rest of their friends began to shout out things that were nothing similar to what Hayden had said.

     "YOU'RE HORNY!" Charles shouted, standing up and pointing to Hayden, his earbuds falling out in the process. Hayden shook her head.

     "No, you idiot. Now sit down and put your earbuds back in." Hayden told him. Charles groaned and rolled his eyes, sitting down and putting his earbuds in. Hayden waited a moment, everyone ushering her to say what she had said again. "I'm pregnant!" Hayden shouted.

     Expressions of confusion crossed everyone's faces except for Vanessa's, Cami's and Madelaine's who didn't have to put on earbuds or headphones. Lili was the first to get it. She stood up, took off her headphones and threw them to the ground before she pointed at Hayden. "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" She shouted with a large grin, breathlessly from shouting so many times before. Hayden and Jordan nodded and Lili squealed, running to bring the couple into her arms. "You guys!" She shouted as she began to tear up. "Oh my God!"

     Everyone took off their headphones or earbuds and raised their arms. "WHAT WAS IT?" They shouted simultaneously, frustrated.

     Hayden and Jordan laughed. "I'm pregnant!" Hayden shouted with a large grin. Loud cheers, whoops and yells were heard as everyone rushed to pull everyone into a group hug. People teared up and others joked about having mini Jordans or Haydens running around the condo. But most of all, they all shared the same happiness, for the couple and their future child.


Mi ama : my mom

Ay, mija : oh, daughter

Hi mijo, cómo estás : hey son, how are you?

Estoy bien, y tú? : Im good, and you?

Quien está aquí? Nomas : who's here? Only . .

Chingada — estas embarazada? : fuckingyou're pregnant?


I loved writing this chapter, truly.

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