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THE GIRLS WERE SITTING in the bathroom together in a circle, the door closed even if they knew the boys wouldn't arrive until night time. Hayden stared at her hands. Suddenly, a large grin broke out onto her face and she erupted into a fit of laughter that was laced with happiness. The girls looked at her with worried eyes. "Hayden? What is it?" Vanessa asked. Hayden looked at them with bright eyes. She wiped her tears away, looking at the girls with bright stars in her whiskey colored eyes.

"You guys. . . I'm gonna be a mom!"

     NOW TO DECIDE ON how to tell the father. Hayden and the girls were at a craft store looking for a rectangular box to put the tests in. Hayden would set up a camera and she will give Jordan an 'early Christmas present.' When he opens it, he'll see three positive pregnancy tests. If all goes well, they will both be crying in joy that they will be bringing a child into the world.

Vanessa held up a small rectangular box and Hayden gave her a thumbs up. They grabbed some wrapping paper and paper to fill up the box and hide the tests before heading to the cashier. They paid for the things then drove to the nearest Wendy's. They ordered and got their food and were about to leave the parking lot, but Hayden asked for Madelaine to park in a parking space. Madelaine did as Hayden asked and they all got out their food and began to eat in silence. All of a sudden, Hayden looked at her friends.

     "Thank you guys." She spoke. The girls looked at her with curious eyes, not knowing what she meant. "Thank you for staying with me through all of this and being so supportive. Other friends would've left the girl lonely and not knowing what to do, but you guys stayed with me all day."

     "The other friends that you said are not friends. We're your best friends, Hayden. Sisters, even. Hell, we've known each other for like two years and we're practically blood. This baby that you're going to bring into the world will be like our niece — a baby that we will protect with every ounce of our souls." Camila told her, her and Vanessa moving so they could be in between Madelaine and Hayden. Hayden set her sandwich down on her lap and felt the tears begin to sting her eyes.

"I'm pregnant." She whispered. The girls watched her with cautious eyes. Hayden smiled and pursed her lips. "I, Hayden Sol Flores, am pregnant." Hayden couldn't contain the joy that suddenly filled her lungs. She was going to be a mother. Her life long dream was coming true. She looked at her friends with the same bright eyes from earlier.

"When I was a kid, I would always play with these baby dolls. They. . . They weren't very realistic, but I still treated them as if they were my own children. I put them in the carrier carefully and I wouldn't let my mom go get groceries if she didn't take the baby doll with her. God, I would tie the baby up in my car seat then give it a kiss on the forehead before my mom would leave me with my dad and sister. My mom would leave the baby in the car when she came back and I would cry and run to get her back. It was my actual child. But now, now that I'm a grown woman and about to have an actual kid, a real, breathing, kid, I'm a mix of scared and overjoyed. I am going to bring a baby into this world and I am going to protect it with every bit of me. I promise, at this very moment, that I will not let anything happen to this baby boy or girl."

The girls had tears in their eyes as they tried their hardest to embrace Hayden. Hayden laughed and felt protected and safe in their hold. She pulled away. "Okay. Let's get this done."

          THE HOUSE WAS SILENT except for the song Sweet Creature by Harry Styles playing in the background. Jordan entered the house laughing, a bright smile on his face as he saw Hayden sitting on the couch with a blanket over her legs, her eyes glued to the television that played Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. Hayden turned to him and smiled. "Hey baby, how was your day?" She asked, standing up and walking over to her tall boyfriend. Jordan smiled and leaned down to peck Hayden's lips.

"It was great. I had a good day. How was yours? I saw that you were with Nessa, Mads and Cami today." Jordan said as they walked into their home and sat on the couch. Hayden nodded, taking Jordan's hand and playing with his fingers.

"Yeah. They had to buy presents and I didn't want to be stuck at home, bored all day so I went with them. Just for the ride, you know? Well, that was the plan, but I ended up buying a couple of things." Hayden said, making Jordan laugh.

"Of course you did." He laughed, shaking his head at his girlfriend. They sat in a comfortable silence for a bit before Hayden bundled up her nerves and mentally threw them out the window. She looked at Jordan and sent him a smile. Jordan averted his attention to Hayden.

"While I did buy things for me, I bought something for you too. It's an early Christmas present and it's not much," a huge lie, "but everyone else was getting their boyfriends an early Christmas gift before the actual gifts on Christmas so I wanted to get you something too." Hayden explained as she stood up. Jordan raised a brow.

"You didn't have to buy me anything, babe. Didn't we say we weren't getting too much for each other this year to save for more trips next year?" Jordan asked, furrowing his brows. Hayden shrugged.

"Yes, but like I said: it's not much." Hayden told him. Just on time, the song Life by Sleeping At Last began to play. Hayden smiled softly and grabbed Jordan's hand. "Come on, you cow, let's go." Hayden pulled Jordan off the couch and lead him to their room. Jordan laughed as they walked into their shared bedroom. The bed was, surprisingly, made and it looked actually clean for once. One thing truly stuck out, though. There was a box in the center of the bed. It was wrapped in red and green wrapping paper and a big red bow sat on the top. Jordan chuckled and sat down, Hayden grabbing the gift before he could get it. "What's the magic word?" Hayden asked, raising her brows.

Jordan placed his hands on Hayden's hips and pulled her forwards. "I love you." He said, planting kisses all over her face. Hayden giggled unstoppably before she pulled away and calmed down. She held the gift out to him.

"I love you." She whispered. She watched as he unwrapped the gift and got to the box. He glanced up at her before opening it. He glanced up at Hayden again.

"There's nothing but paper."

"Look further, dork!" Hayden giggled. She interlaced her fingers together and rested her chin on them as she watched Jordan dig through the stuffing. Eventually, he grabbed it all and shook it, the tests falling onto his lap. His eyebrows furrowed as he lifted them and looked at them. His features went into some of confusion to shock. He looked up at Hayden, eyes filling with tears.

     "Are you serious?" Hayden nodded. "Hayden. Babe. Are you serious? You're not joking? These are real? Positive? P - p - positive tests?" Jordan asked, standing. Hayden nodded, tears beginning to fall. "YES." Jordan shouted as he picked Hayden up and spun her around, squeezing her tight as he began to cry. He set Hayden down and grabbed her face. "I'm gonna be a dad?" Hayden nodded, sobbing.


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