Chapter 6 Blood On My Hands

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I rode my bike home from home late after school, and it was 5ish I’m guessing. It was getting a little bit dark.

                “Today’s after school meeting was so long. I’m glad to finally get home.” I put my bike down next to the porch and jumped up on it, and I took off my shoes.           

“I wonder what mom and dad are doing. I hope mom started dinner.” I opened the door and walked inside. “Mom? You making dinner? I’m starving.” I shut the door behind me. “Mom?” It was quiet, and that wasn’t normal. I looked around and I didn’t see them. “Mom? Dad? This isn’t funny.” I started to get worried. Then I heard something down the hall. This was odd. Usually they welcomed me home from school and they joked around about the problems. Today was just…off. I set my bag down near the door and carefully went down the hall. I looked at their door and it was closed but the light was on. Oh boy…don’t tell me what I think their doing. I rolled my eyes and went into my room and turned on the lights. Right after I heard a horrific scream. I turned right around and my heart sped up. What was that? I got scared and I couldn’t move. I heard talking in the room, but it didn’t sound like just my parents.

“So, these are the people we are looking for? One person said.

“Yup, and I think I heard someone come in the door, maybe their kid?” Another said.

“Na, let’s just get this over with.” I heard a loud slap and I jumped. It was followed by a cry. I need to help them. Come on Asuna move. I tired but couldn’t. Move. Move. I wouldn’t budge. Asuna…stupid…scared little girl…I cried. I was useless. I was too scared. I heard my dad yelling at them to stop and I heard someone get hit. Which probably was him.

“Shut the fuck up!” I heard a gun get cocked. My heart skipped a beat and I ran to my parent’s room and swung open the door. I stood there wide eyed staring at what was in front of me. My parents were on the ground with bruises on them, and cuts. Next to them were the two men I heard talking and they looked scary. One of them was pointing a gun to my parents.

“Oh look what we have here.” The guy with the gun said. “I guess it was their kid after all. And wow isn’t she cute. Too bad she has to die with them.” He pointed the gun at me, causing myself to go against the wall. My heart began to beat even faster. I was going to die. I was going to die by these people. How did this go all wrong? What did my parents even do wrong? I tried to think if they had any enemies, and I couldn’t remember a single person. I couldn’t think straight. I kept staring at the tip of the gun that could go into me any moment.

“Asuna get out of here, just go.” My dad coughed.

“Aw isn’t that sweet, but no she isn’t going anywhere. She could call the cops or something.” The guy said.

“Just let her go! She didn’t do anything wrong!” My mom shouted as the guy grabbed me by my hair and put the gun underneath my chin. I cried out a little but I didn’t feel anything but fear. I stared at my parents and they stared back.

“Just let her go….please I beg you. She hasn’t anything to do with this.” My mom pleaded.

“Mom…” I choked when he pushed the gun harder against me.

“No, since she is here, she has to pay along with you too.” He pulled the trigger and I closed my eyes. Nothing happened. I blinked opened my eyes.

“What the fuck!” The guy said and shook his gun. “I thought this whole thing was full.”

“Um…no. You only put a couple in there.” The other guy said standing over my parents.

“Then let’s try again, shall we?” Right when he was about to pull the trigger, sirens came in the distance. “Fuck! You little bitch!” He threw me on the ground and my parents reached for me. “Just for that, I have something special for you.” He pointed the gun at my dad and shot him straight on his head. I screamed with my mother. I began to cry even more, and then he pointed the gun at me.

“No!!” My mother shouted and jumped in front of me when he shot the bullet toward me.

“Mom!!!” I cried stared at her. She got shot in the stomach and she turned to face me.

“It’s alright Asuna…” She quietly said and smiled. “I love you.” She closed her eyes and fell backwards on me.

“Mom!!” I shook her. The sirens were getting closer and the guy didn’t even turn to shoot me after.

“Come on let’s get out of here. Stupid little bitch, you’re lucky you’re not dead.” They both ran out of the room and the house. I sat on the floor with my mother and father next to me with blood soaking all around.

“Mom….” I looked at myself and I was covered in blood. Her blood. “Mom…” I said a little louder and she didn’t move. “Mom!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. They were gone and they weren’t coming back.

                Then I woke up.



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Listening To: I Don't Want To Die ~ Hollywood Undead (Nightcore)

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