"Why? You are good with people. "

"Maybe! But I can't walk around pasting a happy smile on my face for hours. I just can't. " He rolled his eyes, a gesture I hadn't seen in him till then.

Clearly he was irritated!

"Don't you want to meet the couple? "

"I will! Let them join!" Snehadi and Rose were still busy.

"Oh! They will take time. Come on!" He said dragging me towards the couple.

The crowd surrounding the couple had reduced.

"Hi Sria! "

Shyam greeted me as his eyes fell on us.

"Hi! Congratulations guys!"

Shyam introduced me to his bride.

"This is Sria, Advik's friend. "

"Volunteers in HOPE. Right? " She cut in.

"Shyam told about you the other day when he saw you in the restaurant." She explained to me.

"Yup! We didn't get to officially meet then. " He glared at his brother.

I nodded my head with an understanding smile while Advik gave a sheepish smile.

We conversed for a while and I realized how comfortable I was with them. We spoke about the upcoming plans for the centre to sweet serving in the function.

"Both of you glow tonight! " I commented.

They gave their happy smiles.

Soon I excused myself for the dinner.
Advik joined me stating he too was hungry and I was glad for the company.

"Woh Advik! I will be leaving soon. It will be difficult to get an auto from here at late hours. "

"Auto? Why? "

"I don't want to disturb Snehadi and Rose. Dropping me will only delay them as I stay in the opposite direction. "

"OK. But then you can ask someone else too. Right? "

"I am not that comfortable with anyone else in the center to ask them to drop me. "

"OK then I will drop you. "

"No Advik You don't have to. "

"maybe I don't have to. But I want to. I said before too that I am not comfortable with you traveling alone at night. So I will drop you. Just it will take some time. You will have to wait for few of the guests to leave. "

Before I could speak, he went on
"I would have asked one of my friend to do but clearly you won't be comfortable. But then you are comfortable with a total stranger in auto? " He was raising his voice which I hadn't witnessed till now.

"Advik please! "

He cleared his throat.
"Look I am sorry for losing my cool. I will drop you by 10.30. End of discussion. "

He walked off while trying to control his anger.


At night lying on my bed, I sent Adi a quick text of my well being.

We were meeting the next day to catch up.

However I couldn't sleep even with all the tiredness.

I kept turning and tossing in my bed. Feeling restless, I opened my window for some fresh air.

Taking deep breaths I tried to calm myself. But deep down I felt something was wrong. Something's going to happen. I could sense it.

I haven't felt such strong instincts in a long time. My hands itched to dial the numbers I haven't forgotten in the past five years.

However I let this unease overrule my fear of rejection waiting at the other end of the call. Thus I turned away from my phone resting on the bedside table.

Deep breaths!

I tried to distract myself.

But no thoughts were powerful enough to hold my attention.

I thought about Adi and our plans for tomorrow.
I thought of my new course.
I thought about my future plans
I though of the centre.
I thought of my new friends.
I thought about tonight's engagement.
I thought of my own happy ending.

But alas every thought would end up in the same way. In a dark abyss.

My thoughts were forming a loop. However hard I may try to get out of it, it seemed impossible.

The night was going to be a long one.

Suddenly my phone pinged.
I checked my phone wondering who would have left me a message at this ungodly hour.

It was a simple 'Good night. ' from Advik.

I settled down back in my bed.

Me: Good night.

Mr.Protective: Didn't sleep yet?

Me: Not sleepy. What about you?

Mr.Protective: I wanted to apologize for earlier.

Me: It's okay Advik. You were worried. I understand. Sleep now. You were tired.

Mr.Protective: I will and you too try to get some sleep.

I smiled at his words but couldn't shake off the feeling in my gut.

However his messages managed to distract me for a while.

I thought of his unusual behavior. I had seen Advik calm and composed most of the time.

There were few times when he was tired and down but today he was irritated over something.

I saw him acting silly when I mentioned about attending guests. Then he raised his voice at me. Even though it was not much but something was clearly going on with him.

Then there he was wondering about love. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of how he sounded then.

And at last he was silent during our drive. I felt his unease as he drummed his fingers in the steering wheel throughout. So not like him!

I was glad that he was back to normal.
Maybe he was too stressed.

Slowly I felt my eyelids getting heavy as I drifted off to sleep.


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I know this was a short update that too after a long time. However from the next update, story is going to be little more intense.

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