Episode 35: Pining for Love

Start from the beginning

"Fine," I said, waving my hand dismissively. "Just don't be an obstacle."

She nodded and followed after me, but keeping her distance. It was then that I noticed that her blush was that of worry, not shyness, for it covered her hands.

She was forcing herself... to be strong.

At the mountain my team was geared up for war.

"I see that everyone is ready. These last few days of training will finally be put into action. Princess Setsuko got a head start on us but we won't allow ourselves to be outdone. This team might not be as big as hers but it is disciplined. An elite squad is worth more than an army of simpletons."

The men nodded in agree and turned around, marching toward the shrine on top of the mountain.

"Are there any other girls?" Rosalba asked, looking around at my army. Her arms and legs shook with fear.

Walking on ahead of her, I said, "They're nearly all guys."

She jumped as soon as I said that.

"If you want, you can go and join Eiichi's group. It's made up of nearly all females."

She shook her head even as sweat ran down her face. "It's fine. I...I got to get over this. I... can't let that man destroy my life." Her eyes were tortured despite the strength in her words. Tears broke through and streamed down her face.

"For... Listen, don't force yourself. I can help you find your sister. I'm sure that you'll feel more comfortable with her."

"Sister isn't actually in the Abyss right now. I had her take some food to someone."

"Someone?" Wait, does she mean Tetsuya. "Why are you so kind to him? A while back you nearly committed suicide! Then you had a panic attack when you saw him at the armor shop."

She closed her eyes tightly. "Because... there's a chance that I might have gotten the wrong person."

I glanced at the dirty trail beneath us. I scoffed."Come on, he was in bed with you."

Her hands shook. "Yeah, but the way he reacted... it didn't look like the face of someone who would... do that to me."

I sighed.

This girl is as trusting as my brother. Not sure how that guy does it to capture their trust. But then again, they are naive fools.

"If it wasn't him then who could it have been?" I questioned.

"I." She grew quiet and smiled. "Let's..." Her grin faded. "go."

Acting joyful. Did my words perhaps do more to hurt than to help? She can't do this, hiding her fears behind a fake grin.

"Fine." I lead my group to the vortex at the center of the shrine on top of the mountain.

She peered down at the black mist below. She took in several breaths as the rest of my team jumped. I grabbed her hand which caused her to jump, dragging me with her into the alien world.

I rubbed my forehead and glanced around. Something had happened for the others were nowhere in sight. I tried to get up but felt a weight over me. It was Rosalba who had landed on top of me.

She opened her eyes and jumped to her feet. Her breathing quickly grew erratic as if she were having an asthma attack.

I held my hands in the air and reached one out for her."Hey. Calm down."

She picked up a black rock and threw it at me. I caught it, and threw it behind me.

She raised her arms in front of her face and screamed, "Stay away!"

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