Episode 5: Alone

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No matter where I went, I heard murmurs from the city folk. Word had spread like wildfire between my initial waking up and me regaining consciousness from the torture.

I raised the hood of the black hoodie that Setsuko had given me. Though people still seemed to know it was me somehow. Why was it hard to blend in? Was it so apparent to them who I was?

Soon after leaving the palace, I had set off to the armor store where Kohri worked. I needed to buy new armor as had I left my old one back there, a place I didn't even want to think about returning to. At least not until I could prove my innocence.

"There he is!" someone screamed. The next thing I knew, I felt blood gushing out of my forehead.

"Hey!" I screamed as I wiped away the blood with my right hand.

"Die, you scum bag! How dare you have done that to the princess!" a woman yelled as she threw another rock. She was joined in both others, including young children.

"Stop it!" I yelled, deflecting the rocks with my shield.

Surprisingly it had reverted back to its original form. Or maybe it wasn't much of a surprise, given what had happened between Rosalba and I. It was as if Agnes knew... the broken hearts she and I carried. Would it regain that form if everything went back to normal? If so then I wished dearly to see that shape again.

"I didn't do it!" I yelled. "I didn't do what they accuse me of!"

"Monster, leave!" a man yelled.

"Go find a hole and die in it!" the woman who initiated the stoning yelled.

I turned around and rushed into the crowd, Agnes in front of me. Rocks pelted my back and I simply ran for it. Hands reached out toward me, grabbing my arms and others attempting to yank Agnes away from my right arm. Horror struck as the mob overwhelmed me to the point that I felt I was about to be trampled over at any moment.

"Let me go!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as burning tears escaped. Though tears weren't the only thing that did. A wave of darkness sent everyone flying away from me, including some children.

I closed my eyes and ran off as more people started to appear to help the injured out.

I let out a cry. "I'm... sorry." Blood covered their face. "I..."

I shook my head and ran over to the closest person and knelt down to heal her but the woman struck the back of my head a glass bottle, tearing my hoodie. "Stay away from me you monster!"

I got up and spirited away once more. Though not before sneaking a quick glance at the injured, I saw that the other members of the mob were opening their eyes. They were dazed by what happened. Except for one of the children who remained with his eyes closed. A little boy with a toy sword. Seeing him reminded me of someone... of the one who I thought that I could trust to always be by my side no matter what.

I snickered quietly. Serrano... he didn't believe me. If even my best friend didn't trust my word, then who would? Was I to be condemned for a crime that I never committed? And if I was then how would that make things better? The true culprit would still remain free.

Tears continued to stream down my bloodied face. I wanted this nightmare to be over, for the pain and tears to fade away. I wanted to cry out to someone, but who? Who was there? I was alone, with no allies.

The only possessions I had were the clothes Setsuko had given me and my backpack from home which for some reason was outside the castle. I wasn't sure if someone left it there to be thrown away with the garbage, or if they did it with well intentions.

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