Part 1: Changing

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The roaring sound grew steadily louder, and Max thought that maybe he was making some distance, that he was nearing the waterfall, but when he looked around, all he saw was the forest. Something brushed him, and he turned to see that Johan was running next to him. She was screaming and Killeen tugged his sleeve, and Rin screamed as well. The roar of the waterfall kept getting louder and louder. And it was deeper in time now, more of a loud drone than the splash of water.

The roar was huge.

They raced along the path to a clearing, and there, Rin stopped and pointed. She need not have bothered, because Max finally sees it. His eyes bugged wide, and his mouth fell open as he stared up at the roaring thing.

The Ruins Part 3 (Series of The Ruins)Where stories live. Discover now