Healing at Walter Reed

Start from the beginning

"My pleasure".

"Ms. Harmony think you can stay like that for a bit longer? I would like to check the one graph?"

"I'm fine doc. by the way is it normal for him to umm roam?"


"his hands, there roaming"

"Well not that I know of but if he is sleeping or sorta here it makes sense. If its bothering you I can stop".

"Bothering me, nope but making it super hard to not move. Yes. But go on I'm fine"

"Almost done, the graph is looking amazing. Better then I hoped. Ohh The surgeon will be in later. Probably after he wakes up a bit. He responded to that med different then some do. Normally there here but almost stoned. Him, it sent him for a loop."

"Thank you. So what next?"

"Next is wait. I'm going to OK it for him to start walking a little if he can deal with the pain and Dr. Morin signs off. I think its going to benefit him to get up. Even go for short outing in a wheel chair? Go get something from the vending machines? Or go down to the gift shop? That should help with his mood. He has come off the iv for short periods of time too. His main meds can be given at night so he has some freedom. What do you think?"

"I think he is going to love it. Ty Doc. Does an hour sound OK if he is sitting in the chair. With his back covered? Is that too much?"

"sounds OK to me. I will write it up. This place can get boring after a bit. Were going to transition him the last four or five days he is with us. Have you stay in a motel if that's OK. See if he can deal with the pain and if he is going to be OK home. Its a long way to get him back here. So its like a soft home release. That's something to look forward. I have what you asked for yesterday. As soon as I'm done with putting the dressing back on and he is back in bed ill get it for you"

"thank you. I will get it set up once were closer to a date. I like the idea as well. It wont be such a big change for us."

Harmony felt Cal start to stir. His hands taking one last feel of her breast threw her bra.

"Babe. Wake up. Were going to put you back in bed to sleep it off. I love you babe"

He lifted his head and his hands dropped. She felt him lift of her. Instantly missing him she trailed her hand behind her to not break the contact.

"OK Harmony you can move. He is still coming to."

Harmony got rid of the chair and stood up and stretched. Looking down she seen her nipples sticking out. She grabbed Brian's hoodie and put it on. Glad it was big and covered up what Cal had done. She helped Karen cover him back up, it was a little hard to not notice he had an erection. Fucker. That's what he gets for his roaming appendages. Dr. Winn came over and handed her a large sheet of paper with a list of things for Cal to do, or get past before he can go home. On the bottom it said take a plane home to Montana with Harmony. It had a small picture of a lake with pine treas next to it with a smiley face sticker. There were little boxes next to each thing.

"I have these for you. I know its a little like being back in school but I figured you would like it. My wife helped me type it up last night and dug these out of her box from when she was a teacher" Dr. Winn said as he handed her a few sheets of stickers. Harmony hugged him. He blushed.

"Tell her thank you. I love it. The colors and little pictures are cute and this place is so sterile. Ill hang it in the window. Each time he does something I can get him to put the sticker on. Will make him move his arms too"

"That's the kind of thinking I like. Getting him to move with out it seeming like work. Make him work for stuff. Make it a game. I had four boys and when they were young that's what I did. Have a good day. I'm going to leave things alone tomorrow . Just let it heal. Ill have Karen come in and spray whats not covered. Other then that. Calm day from me." He left the room with a smile and a wave. Karen stayed to clean up. She told her that she would probably be in before lunch to put the spray on but did not know for sure.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now