The nurse remains to clean up and then she leaves as well after covering call with a clean sheet. "were not going to put a gown back on him due to his neck and arms. Were going to leave them uncovered to get air to them. Its best for them Here is some gel. You can use it on his burns and scrapes. Its amazing stuff. All you have to do is put on gloves and rub a little on. It dries quickly so wont make him feel sticky. Also if want you can use lotion on his hands and feet. It gets dry in here. Ohh and don't forget to lotion your self. Trust me I apply it three or four times a shift" She tells her.

"Thank you. I'm afraid to touch him honestly. I don't want to hurt him"

"i get it. Holding his hand and kissing him and rubbing his feet and that kind of thing will help him. It will help physically and emotionally. Keeping the blood clots out of his limbs is key. Even if you can get him to flex his fingers and toes and feet. It all helps. Also if you help him use the urinal write down how much you dump. There is a page in the bathroom. Its to make sure what is going in is coming out. Same for his drinks. Don't worry if you forget. Its just an idea"

"Cal is my boyfriends best friend. So I doubt you will find us kissing but the rest I can do. I feel useless here. How long do you think surgery will be tomorrow?"

" probably two or three hours. You should take the time to go to one of the stores or to the atrium. Keep your mind busy. He will probably sleep the rest of the day. Wont wake will dinner time is my guess"

"thank you. I cant imagine leaving the hospital. But getting out and about sounds like a plan"

"Your Welcome. I'm see you tomorrow. Just to ease some of the worries Ill stay with him during and after surgery. Have a good rest of the day."

"that does. I'm going to see if I can get a hold of Brian. I think the black out is over now. At least I hope".

When the nurse leaves Harmony sets up her laptop on the bed side rolling table. She sits on Cal's bed and hits the button to Skype Brian. He answers on the first ring

"babe. I'm so glad you called. I know we said we would not use the phone but

"I called you Bri. I had to hear your voice and see you, I had to."

"I say to hell with the rules we set. Were in love. Life is too short, How is Cal?

"see for yourself" Harmony says as she adjusts the computer so Brian can see Cal sleeping

"He looks like Cal. I'm glad your with him Harm. Ty. Did he tell you what happened?"

"His throat hurts so he is not saying much, I would do anything for him Brian you know that"

"I know Harm. Your the best. So we were out on a mission and we got out of the v and out of no where shots rang out. A young man appeared and threw a Molotov cocktail towards me. Cal stepped in front of me and it hit him in the back at the same time a RPG hit the v and the force of it threw him forward on top of me. Shots were still ringing out and Cal got hit. He saved my ass Harm. He saved me from it all. It was horrible. His clothes burned to his back. I could smell his flesh burning. They called a chopper and off he went, Harm I owe him. Big Time"

"ohh my god Brian. I owe him too. He goes in for surgery tomorrow to clean up his wounds and to do skin graphs also to look for fragments. He is OK Bri, I fed him some of my cheese cake today. I hope you don't mind but I hold his hand. I just need to feel close to him"

"Hell Harm do what you feel is right. Hold his hand. Hell I would hold his hand if I was there, I mean maybe not. I cant stay on. Ill call you later. Tell him thank you for me"

"you just did Brian" Cal says. "and no your not holding my hand asshole, I'm not into you like that"

"You look like shit buddy, and fuck you, I'm not into you, you ugly son of a bitch" Brian tells him with a chuckle.

"Harms hands are soft. Lips, hair too"

"really, how do you know? Something I'm not aware of"

"not at all Bri. I kissed his cheek once. I did not know he was awake. My hair well I had a night mare and I woke up you, know how it gets. So Cal here asked me to lay my head close to his and he kissed the top of my head. Nothing going on Bri"

"I don't care if there is honestly as long as you tell me. I know how your nightmares gets. The only thing to stop them is to be close to me. I'm not there. Cal if helps her, do it"

"He has them too. When I leave he freaks out"

"So don't leave"

"umm yeah I know that now. I love you babe. I have your hoodie and tags. I have to have you close. Be safe and Call me later?"

"ill do my best. It makes me feel good to know that you have them next to your skin. I love you too Harm. Ty Cal for taking care of my girl"

"Will do bro. Stay safe"

Harmony blew Brian kisses and then shut the laptop.

"how you feeling? You look tired. Are you hungry. You should drink the juice, at least half of it"

"I'm fine. Groggy ish. Snuggle with me?"

Harmony pushed the cot over and climbed in, She offered Cal the juice and he drank most it. She drank the rest. Then just as before she snuggled close to Cal but this time she put her back to him and put his arm over her hip, he kissed her hair and they fell asleep.

Her Two Marines-Montana Moments Book One.Where stories live. Discover now