
The midday heat was too much for me, so I collapsed under a tree. I know it wasn't as bad a desert but, it's still fucking hot.

Reaching behind me for my drink bottle I drink as much as I think I can. I don't want to dehydrate myself, but I don't know when I'm going to come across some water.

'I think there is a pack nearby, I can smell them.'

"This close to home?"

'Remember the first day, I took over and ran further than you are walking right now.'

I just shake my head a wait out the heat of the day.

Whilst leaning against the tree I close my eyes. I shift my back so that I am more comfortable. The bit of bark that was digging into my back was now on the ground.

I think back to my dream. I can't remember much. Only glowing colours in the darkness. But I don't know why or what colours. I try and remember and just when I think that I had it they vanish.

Wait, they looked like... eyes?

Yes, they were eyes.

The more I thought about the dream the more that came back to me. There was a glowing pair of poison green eyes behind me and a crimson red in front of me.

Why would I be dreaming about glowing eyes in the dark? That has never happened. The first two dreams I have ever had were about glowing eyes or wolves.

'That's because wolves never have dreams. But when you combine wolves and humans, the only dreams you get are the day before you change and about our mate.'

"Umm, don't you usually have only one mate?" I ask confused.

'Yeah, why'

I think back to my dream with the glowing eyes. Aurora understands and is as confused as me.

"What could that have meant?"

'I honestly have no idea.'

I just shake my head and rest my head against the tree. Waiting out the heat was the worst part of this all.

I hear a rustling coming from behind me. I act like I didn't hear it but I tuned in my hearing to that area, over the past day I have become accustomed to my sensitive hearing.

The rustling noise erupted next to my ear and my eyes spring open.

In front of me stood two large wolves. One sandy coloured wolf with glowing green eyes. The other a shade of red it could be mistaken as brown. The eyes were an amazing shade of navy blue. If they were a couple of shades lighter, they would look like Ali's. That thought brings tears to my own eyes.

A growl shakes me out of my thoughts as the two wolves change into men. The sandy wolf was now a blonde man with darker green eyes that don't glow. The red wolf is a strawberry blonde. I don't know how that made sense since his wolf had very dark fur, but his hair is nearly blonde. His eyes had also changed to the exact same shade as Ali's

They looked about my age but were naked. I couldn't look down without getting an eyeful of their junk. So, I look at the sky instead.

"Who are you and why are you on our territory." The blonde asks. His voice was deep and husky, like you have just come out of a cold.

'Say what has happened.' I rolled my eyes, I was planning on saying that.

"Ah, so I have just changed? If that's what you say. Anyway, I ran away from home and here I am." I say giving the very brief version of what has happened.

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