'I know that I'd die without you'

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Venice P.O.V.

I couldn't sleep. Not after everything that had happened. I was the girl he was talking about. How couldn't I notice? It was obvious, yet I still cannot believe that he likes me- no, that he loves me! It wasn't that I was dumb I just thought that I was so unworthy of his liking that I didn't even considered it at all.

Thinking about how little faith I had to myself and to my exterior, was making me feel pathetic. The whole situation was a nutcase!

I love him and he thinks that I played with his feelings, furthermore he is so stubborn that he didn't even let me explain myself. Dickhead.

It was 3 am in the morning and I was sitting in my bed with my phone in hand. I tried to call him thousands of time and he rejected every single one. I had to do something , something remarkable or at least something to make him see how deep my feelings were.

I kept thinking about it and I came to a point that I started crying from frustration, I checked my wrist watch and it was currently 5 am. Perfect. Now, I will definitely look like a zombie. I went downstairs and grabbed a mug and purred it with black coffee. I needed caffeine way too much right at this moment.

I actually overdid it. My dad found me in my third cup of coffee and lets say that I didn't look that fresh.

"Okay let down the mug, young lady. From what I see this is not your first one and I'm pretty sure that those circles under your eyes are created by the fact that you haven't sleep at all." he said taking the mug from my hands ignoring completely my protests.

"I couldn't sleep. Dad, I really want your opinion. There is this huge misunderstanding and I didn't had the chance to explain myself at all. Now that person hates me and does not want to talk to me. What should I do?" I asked sitting in the chair nearby and did the same so we were across each others.

"You know that thing that happens in every single movie that Grace likes and suddenly the crappy couple break up because of a bullshit just because they didn't explain to each other what really happened. Don't do the same." he said and I chuckled.

"How did you know it was about a guy?" I asked with a smirk.

"Because I'm awesome and also because I heard you and Grace on the patio. " he smirked the same way I did.

"You are unbelievable." I laughed and headed upstairs.

I opened my phone and an e-mail popped in my screen. It was from Mr. Adams. I opened it with my heart pacing faster.

I had succeeded! He was going to sent the song and the assignment was finally over. Thinking about how many troubles and yet happiness it caused I couldn't stop myself from laughing lightly.

Everything started with that. A simple assignment. Yet it brought people together. That was again pure magic.

And then it hit me. If the assignment brought as together at the first time it can do that again. I quickly dialed the number I never thought I would call, we weren't even close.

"Beth?" I asked nervously.

"Yes?" she said unsure with a hoarse voice.

"Oh my god, did I wake you up? It's Venice by the way."

"No. My beloved brother was ahead of you. He didn't sleep at all. Did something happened?" she asked curiously.

"Actually yes. I need your help. Could you do me a favor?"

After I explained to her what I really needed, I was glad that she was willingly to do so. I was supposed to be at the meeting point in 20 minutes.

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