Rule No.3 is stupid

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Venice P.O.V. 

I stayed in bed the whole evening. Carmen came in eventually even if I asked her repeatedly not to, but the word 'no' does not exist in her vocabulary. She told me that it was normal and that she had cried too, when she broke up with Jacob, her most recent ex. She brought me some 'Ben & Jerry' which I really needed and 'The Other Woman' which kind of made my mood too. Carmen was way more mature about boys than me, well she was gorgeous and had many guys flirt with her, in comparison with me who I looked like a boy until 9th grade. 

After the movie was over, I was already sleepy so Carmen gave me a light kiss to my forehead and went back to her room. I was so sad that I even cried at a comedy movie! I heard my phone ringing, and as always I didn't spend any time to see who was calling me.

"Hello?" I said with a teary voice.

"Vee? Were you crying?" of all the people that could call, of course it should had been Rob.

"Jace and I broke up." I exclaimed, I was too tired to have any filter before I spoke.

"What?! Why? If he cheated on you, I swear-"

"No, he didn't. He was actually so sweet. He just told me the truth. I didn't felt the same way about him anymore. I mean I still care about him, he was my first... first everything actually. It just feels weird." I said wiping my tears.

"When you say 'everything' you mean everything? Like you know..." he sounded nervous.

"Rob! First of all, it's none of your business, but also I'm so tired now that I cannot even speak without saying unwanted information." I said.

"I noticed." he chuckled.

"Anyway why did you call me?" I asked more casually.

"I know I should probably mourn with you but a record label in New York just emailed me, saying that they were interested in my music! After graduation they want me to meet them. Isn't this amazing?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Oh my gosh! This is awesome, but for how long will you be in New York?"

"Basically, half of the summer, if they like me that much." 

"They will love you." I said with a broke voice.

"Hey what's wrong?"he asked worriedly.

"You won't forget about me right?" I asked and I'm sure tiredness was speaking instead of me. I should be happy not selfish!

"Are you crazy? How could I ? You are the most important thing in my life right now!" he said with a sweet voice.

"I cant believe I just said that! I'm so selfish. You are happy and I just asked you this silly question! Oh god.. Rob I'm so sorry." and with that I cried even more, what the hell was wrong with me? I was acting like a five-year old!

"Hey, hey. Little One, it's fine. You are tired and you just broke up with your boyfriend I think you need rest." he said with his comforting velvet voice.

"You're right, again I'm sorry." 

"I said it's fine. Anyway, sweet dreams Little One. Love you." he said and he hung up, I felt my breath hitch in his last sentence and then I left a defeated sigh.

"I love you too, just not in the same way..." I whispered and laid in my bed.


The next morning was really hard. I had a terrible headache because I fell asleep whilst crying, and believe me even waking up was a wonder. 

Good news, it was Saturday, that means more time with sweatpants and huge sweaters. Though, I was pretty calm, something was bugging me and when I looked up to my calendar across the room I found out. Monday was the deadline for the assignment. Oh my god, how on earth did I forgot about it. I was usually really responsible, but I'm pretty sure I was just avoiding the whole assignment just because I didn't want to admit my feelings. But right now they are pretty clear. And for some reason I think it's an opportunity for me to let him at least see how deep and strong my feelings are. That was what my heart was telling me. But my brain kept reminding me that he probably didn't even feel the same and I was going to destroy a beautiful friendship. 

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