The Date

39 4 12

Robert P.O.V.


The worst thing had happened. I fell in love with her. And she, of course, didn't. In fact she was interested in a blonde shy guy that actually suits her personality.

I was wholeheartedly in love with Venice Jackstones. And this was bad.

But it does make sense. She was exactly what someone could look in the dictionary for the word 'whole'. Yes sure she wasn't perfect. But she was whole. The things she likes, her taste in music and clothes, the way she talks even her smell can show you how much different she is from all of us.

I was an empty space and she was a whole puzzle. She didn't need me, but I did. I wanted to be around her and I had always the constant feeling that if I stayed too close to her I would destroy her 'power'. She was my little one.

Everything about her was fascinating to me. How she curl her lips when she's concentrating, or her green light up when she is exciting and even how extremely short she was. I could give anything for her. She was just my sun. A little human that made me smile only thinking of her. She was beautiful. She was exactly what my song said 'an angel in the shape of my mum' . Right now, in 10th of May, 3 days until her birthday, which I have completely orgnised, I have twenty days until I destroy our friendship. How dramatic. I know that she doesn't feel same and since I'm going to sing my song in front of her nothing will be the same between us. She will probably avoid me like the plague. I mean it will be weird that my feelings will be one-sided.

This day although is important for Vee, since it's officially her first date . With the blondie. Which by the way looks like he had been in a goth band. I mean he is incredibly pale- not that I'm not- but his hair are platinum blonde so he looks even more like a ghost. Bright blue eyes and his face is so skinny that it's almost scary. But for some weird reason Vee likes him.

You are only jealous that she likes him and not you, a part of my mind kept remind me.

And it was true, I was really jealous that Venice would go out with him. I mean the guy it's such a creep that I'm really not sure if he is secretly a psychopath. I, know this is too far but he is even more quiet than Vee and that says a lot.

What should I do if they became dating? Being the overprotective and annoying dude? No way. Find another girl and try to date her ? No, this would be just mean. Ugh, my mind needs a break.

Although, deep down I really hope that the date will suck, which is very selfish because if I was a good friend I would want my "friend" to be happy. I'm really , really selfish. In the end I have to face the truth. I will end up being Simon and she will be Clary from Cassandra Clare's novels. She likes the mysterious blondie and her buddie is the geek- aka me- who actually reads The Mortal Instruments which by the way are awesome .

It was about 17:30 and she will go out at 18:00. She called me yesterday to tell me the "good news". When she called me I thought that she wanted to talk to me for something, anything, my pathetic mind even thought that she called me just to talk to me. Yeah she wanted to tell me that we couldn't meet at her garage to paint it because she has a date.

I place my head in my palms and I was ready to pull out my hair. Then suddenly I heard my phone ringing. It was Venice.

"Hello?" I said with a lump in my voice.

"Hi look I know it's stupid but I don't know what to do . I'm so nervous that I think I'm going to bang my head in a wall." she with the most panicked voice I've ever heard, she really liked him.

"Look, you will be just fine." I said with the most gentle voice I could.

"Can you come over?" she asked with her adorable sweet voice.

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