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Venice P.O.V.

We spent 3 hours straight looking at a single piece of paper trying to write something. I have to say my idea wasn't so great. If he calls me an idiot right now I would agree with him. But surprisingly he didn't say a thing, well, for a while.

"You understand that this is pointless?" he said running a hand to his messy golden hair.

"You're telling me, I just stare at this thing for 3 fucking hours!" I said.

"I have an idea , I'm going to my home and I will come up with a melody for your song and you will do the same for my song. So we can come up with lyrics easier." he said.

"Okay." I replied simply.

He went to the door to exit but suddenly he turned around to face me.

"I hope you haven't forget about tomorrow , we are going to the mall." he said with a mischievous smirk. The bastard!

"Ugh!!!" I groaned, and he just chuckled.

Again, why did I agree with him to make a deal?


The next day, I was the same excited with the previous one, if not even more. I wore a pair of blue jeans and a grey 'Slytherin' sweater that was oversized and a pair of black Chuck Taylors. I left my wavy chocolate hair natural, they weren't long , I liked my hair just under my shoulders. Rob said that we were going to the mall after school. That meant that we were going with his car so I had to walk to school. So, I had to wear comfortable clothes.

I was glad that today I hadn't dance. I was growing hate towards this class. My first period , English Literature. We were working on a modern book right now and I was so glad with this. I love Jane Austen and Shakespeare but I cannot stand writing and reading about Romeo & Juliet for two months. Right now we were reading Milk & Honey, a very interesting book and I really liked it.

The first class was over before I even  knew it. Then, I had piano and my third period was a guitar lesson. Why was I suddenly hoping that I could finish school two hours earlier?

I was currently playing the Pirates of Caribbean theme. When my teacher gave me this song I thought that it would take me a year to learn how to play it , but actually it took me only one week. I started playing and it really was helping me calm down from my suddenly stupid and unreasonable enthusiasm.  I wasn't paying any attention to the things near me so when I heard clapping from the door behind me my reaction was to fall from my chair.

I heard someone laughing and coming near me. Guess who was it?


"Are you okay?" he asked between laughter .

"I would be better if you hadn't scare me to death." I said with a shaky voice.

"So, in conclusion, you just get scared very easily." he said with an amused expression and for the first time in my life I saw this smile. He wasn't smiling because he thought that he should smile to make me trust him neither because he was happy, he was just amused and excited, his smile was pure sweetness. I really hoped that I could see this smile more often.

"No, you are wrong, I was just concentrating to the song. So what are you doing here?" I asked. He gave me his hand to help me stand up.

"Mr. Adams want to see us in the fourth period." he said simply.

"Only the two of us?" I asked nervously.

"No, the whole group. Probably something about the songs." he said.

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