A sad story

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Venice P.O.V. 

Today is a great day. Because it's Saturday, and that means no school. I like school I think it's actually really cool, but I'm so confused right now that I don't want to see either Rob or Jace. I just want to think about the consequences of me having feelings for Rob. And having watched "Love, Rosie" more times than I wanted to admit doesn't really help. 

And this is so weird. I mean I'm sure those feelings were there for a while, but why to feel all this incredible pull toward him now? 

Yeah, sure he looks like a Dior model with this amazing jawline, his incredible hot smile and his eyes that can make you speechless in seconds, but it's not only his appearance, he's also so unique. I mean he likes to read, he has a great taste in music, he likes Harry Potter, but most importantly, even though he can be harsh he knows how to love. He is the greatest friend you could ask for. And I don't want to loose him for a bunch of stupid feelings. 

Besides, tomorrow is a really important day for my mum, so I should think about that instead of my love life.To be honest I was exciting to go to the audition of one of my favourite characters. But, despite, how much I was trying to think about the audition my mind was bugging me with different thoughts. Thoughts that were about a person that I wish I didn't think about now. First, he is my best friend, it's like hooking up with Tom, disgusting. But I realized that I always seen Tom as my brother, but I don't feel like that for Rob. But the biggest issue in this whole case is the fact that I have a boyfriend, a pretty great boyfriend actually, and I think that I have feelings for another boy. This is just so not like me. I'm usually really loyal to my friends and to people that I love, so this is so weird that I don't know how should I feel. I'm pretty sure that I should feel awful. Not that I'm feeling great at the moment. 

I thought that I should talk with someone more expert than me. So I texted Lily, not that she is the best person to talk about boys, but she's significantly  better than me. Of course knowing her she would call instead of texting back. I picked up instantly.

'What happened?' she asked in her high pitched voice.

'It's complicated.' 

'I expect you in the park in 15 minutes.' she said and she hanged up. 

I laughed quietly because I knew how overdramatic she always was. Lily is just something else. She always wears legging and gym clothes, she loves working out like crazy, and she's usually really awkward and when you meet her you think she's the ice queen but actually she is the sweetest and crazier girl on the planet I don't know what I would do without her. But sometimes I ask myself how are we even friends.

I wore grey sweatpants and a stripped t-shirt, pulled my hair in a messy bun and I left the house after leaving a note in the fridge for Grace or mum. I cycled my way to the park knowing that Lily had a car and she would be ten times faster than me if I walked instead. 

As I expected she was already there, sitting in our usual spot. I walked quickly next to her and sat down next to her and huffed she looked at me with her blue eyes questioning me. 

"I need help." I said quickly.

"I thought so. What the hell happened?" she asked curiously.

"I think I have...feelings for Rob."  I said and I barely heard myself.

"Yeah I think that my alien hearing didn't catch that."

"IthinkIhavefeelingsforRob" I said and I'm sure that I didn't made sense anyway.

"Have you thought of starting a carrier as rapper, by far you're doing a great job." she said sarcastically.

"I THINK I HAVE FEELINGS FOR ROB!" I kind of yell which wasn't really smart since two old ladies were looking at me like I was a lunatic. Not that I wasn't.

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