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Venice P.O.V.

I love sleeping, it is peaceful and it is amazing the things our mind create  in the meantime. What I find more fascinating, is how our mind take people from our real life and even if we have never talk to them it creates a story of 7 seconds, that look like an one-hour movie. This happens with the good dreams.

With the nightmares it's different. You know that they are playing in your mind for some seconds, but they feel just like death. You don't really know when you will die or how , but you know that your heart will stop in a couple of seconds.

But nightmares are illusions that make us afraid of things that we shouldn't be.

Right now, I was seeing a little boy with messy golden hair and a girl with emerald eyes and long brown locks. They were playing in a park, the park looked familiar but at the same time completely strange. I could see them playing with huge smiles, but then suddenly they stopped smiling and the little boy and girl weren't little anymore they were teens ready to become adults. I recognised the boy, of course how could I forget such a pretty face and the girl looked like me.

They were staring at each other without smiles, they weren't kids anymore, they didn't live in a fantasy. They were living thinking that smiling  is childish. The golden haired boy took a step , but the short girl didn't move.

They were close. So close that they could feel the warmth of their breaths. He touched his soft lips to her red one. They were natural red just like mine. The pale girl depend the kiss only to find a shadow, his shadow .

The park became dark and then suddenly it became something else. I had that feeling that I have never been here before, but yet this place was so familiar. I immediately understand where I was when I saw him on the ground.

His hair were still messy and golden but his eyes were still, they didn't have their living green. They had a vivid colour that gave you the sense that they were grey. His skin cold and hard like a marble. He was there instead of a fictional character from some book.

My Rob was replacing Cedric Diggory.

I didn't call him mine because I felt that he belonged to me like a lover. I said that he was mine because he belonged in my world, in my life , in my days. His nature was living with me, whether we were hating each other or not . He should stay alive. He had to stay alive.

I could hear my name faintly.


"Venice!" he was becoming more tense and I could hear his voice more clearly along with someone's cry.

"Please, Little One." he pleaded.

"It's only a dream." he said and my eyes opened immediately. I was feeling something in my cheeks and my throat was hoarse. Rob was there. After some minutes realisation hit me. What the hell was he doing in my room?

"What - What are you doing here?" I asked with a weak voice.

"It's 9:15 we were supposed to meet at 9:00, your sister told me that you were sleeping but since she was going somewhere-to the mall, I think- she begged me to wait here until you wake up. I was outside of you room door and suddenly I heard you screaming and sobbing and I really panicked." he said and I could that he was still panicked.

"Yeah, nightmares." I said wiping my tears.

"That wasn't just a nightmare , Venice. You were ready to have a panic attack. You were mumbling something like 'he should stay alive, he had to stay alive' " he said. I couldn't just let my mind to replay his horrible scene.

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