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Venice P.O.V.

She was there. After 11 years she was in my porch staring at me with wide eyes. I could only see red.

"Aria?" she said, honestly I hate this name.

"First my name is Venice and also you need to leave , now." I said with a flat voice.

"Ar- Venice , please talk to me . The last time I saw you you were six." she said with tears in her eyes.

"And whose fault is that? Right, yours. You left a six year old without any explanation, without even calling her once in a year to just check that she's fine. And, Veronica, I waited every year, for my birthday, for your birthday, for Christmas Eve, even in bloody Halloween, I waited you to come back home. You never came! You just abandoned me, mum. Bloody hell, I shouldn't even call you that." I said and yet not a single tear came out.

"Please, baby, let me explain. I'm so sorry for leaving you. I loved you, I love you and I'll always do. Please just let me explain." she begged me and it took everything in me to not hug her. She was my mum and I'd missed her so much, but that didn't meant that I wasn't angry.

"Come in." I said biding my lip whilst I was trying to open the door.

We sat at the opposites couches and I was thinking of all the question I always wanted to ask. Yet the question that came out of my mouth was so simple but yet so crucial.


"Why did I left?" she asked.

"Not only. Why didn't you call me not a single time? Why did you left me behind? Why did you and Nick broke up? And most importantly why did you lie to me about the disorder?" I asked and the tears were falling miserably in my flushed cheeks.

"So you know? " she asked.

"Yeah, I know. I actually found out today since one of my blood cells in my brain disabled. So explain." I said trying to sound determined but I was failing completely.

"Oh my! How did this happened?" she asked with panic rising in her voice.

"I had a panic attack, just tell me. Firstly why did you and dad broke up?" I asked.

"Oh, your dad and I weren't meant to be from he first moment we were just stupid and young. I know cliché. But when I met him I thought that he was he love of my life. We met at a vintage café shop called 'Aria' in Venice. That's were your names come from, if you were wondering. So, back then I was a tourist with the craziest red hair and I was quite talkative too. I wasn't shy, actually I was the opposite, your dad was. So, back then I just really wanted to sit in a table watching the beautiful buildings and boats and write my book, so I asked a young man who was close to my age to join him , since there was no available table left for me. He was so shy that he couldn't even say 'yes' or 'no'. So I just sat there talking to him even though he was getting really annoyed. Well, after that we became sort of friends and then suddenly we became something more. After 3 months I was supposed to go back to England but instead I went with him to LA. So, after 2 years knowing each others , we thought that we were so in love that we should get married. I know it sounds stupid, but let me tell you that being pregnant a year after the wedding was even more stupid, not that I regret having you." she took a deep breath and I was about to ask her why she was telling me how her and dad met when she cut me.

"You asked to now why we broke up, this is why Venice. After the wedding and after having you we understood that our relationship was only based on desire. There was lack of communication, acceptance and we were constantly fighting. Normally we would had broken up when you were just 4 years old and I was going to take you and go back to England." she stopped to look at me. I was looking at her but my mind was travelling at the possibilities. What if I never grew up in LA but instead I would live in Oxford. I would have never met Lily, Tom, Jace and not even Rob. If I was a normally saint person I would be wishing to live in England instead of here but, no I couldn't. Even if my life here wasn't perfect, I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Because in the end whose life is perfect?

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