The secret of a song

22 2 0

Venice P.O.V.


Today will be one of the hardest day of my life, that's for sure. I hadn't talked with Rob since that kiss and my mind couldn't stop replaying the scene over and over again. It was beyond perfect I thought I lose myself in that kiss. I fell in love with him even more. But why did he kiss me?

Maybe the girl he wanted rejected him and he wanted some distraction, the thought itself made me wanting to cry. It wasn't fair, he wouldn't do this to me, would he?

But today was the day we would present our songs. I was so anxious I thought I couldn't even sing. It wasn't only the thought that Rob would learn about my feelings but also my future was depending on it. This was a part of an exam and it's my senior year. I couldn't mess up.

I emailed the song to Mr. Adams yesterday and so did my mum to the director of the film. He informed me that today we would record them, so he could sent them to different label records, and see if they were interested.

I got ready, keeping it simple with a pair of blue jeans, a red t-shirt and of course my Chuck Taylors. I actually ran downstairs.

"Hey, hey! Relax, I know that you are nervous but you don't have to run." Dad said smirking.

"You have no idea." I said breathlessly.

"Eat something before you leave. I have to go, love you." he said kissing the crown of my head.

"Love you too." Lately dad and I were like that. At first it was weird but I really hadn't fully understand how much I needed him in my life before.

I heard honking from outside, that meant that Lily came to pick me up. Though, I'm not really sure its completely safe being in the same car with a nervous Lily, but it's for sure better than driving myself with a bicycle.

"Get in, we have only 24 minutes and 34 secs, 33, 32, hurry up!" she yelled from her car, she is really creepy when she is nervous.

"Relax, it's a 5 minute ride." I said laughing whilst I was putting my seatbelt on.

"Whatever." she said and I rolled my eyes.

"So how did it go with the plastics?" I asked with a grin.

"Surprisingly they are really good. Like after some days you could see that they actually have feelings. Especially Tiffany, she is actually really jealous of you. She told me that one day when I found her crying in the bathroom." she said and to say that I was shocked was an understatement.

"Jealous? Of me? Why?" I asked.

"You'll see." she said and left me in my train of thought for the rest of the ride.

Why would Tiffany ever be jealous of me, I mean she is one of the most beautiful girls in the school, she could for sure be a model. That makes no sense.

I didn't even realised that we arrived at school. I felt my hands shaking but I wasn't afraid that it would affect my health, I mean after three different pills who would? I sighed and got out of the car. Lily was as nervous as I was.

There were only about 15 students there already, today it was the auditions for the students of the drama club and our assignment, so the school would be almost empty. I looked for Rob but I couldn't find him maybe he was already recording. I informed Lily that I needed to use the bathroom and left immediately to wash my face with some cold water. I didn't realise I was so nervous before.

I continued spraying my face with ice cold water to a point that I wet my crimson shirt. Perfect.

"Are you nervous?" I heard unexpectedly.

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