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Telling Jughead off had hurt her almost as much as it had hurt him. She knew that she couldn't trust him, not after the way he treated her. But trust and love are two separate things. The fact that she didn't trust him didn't change the fact that she loved him. And she did. She really, really did. As she ran out of the classroom tears threatened to leave her eyes and she fought not to cry. She wiped away the old tears and took a deep breath as she looked at the ceiling in an attempt not to cry. And she managed not to. She went to class. Veronica met her eyes and smiled slightly at her as she entered the room. The two-hour lesson went by slowly and the Betty lost interest fast. She just stared at the tree outside and wondered what her life would be like if she never met Jughead. When the bell rang she walked out and opened her locker. Once again finding a note inside. She read the words perfectly written in green ink.

He doesn't deserve you. But he probably tried his best. Either way, you looked cute today.

She read it one more time before sighing. Unsure of what to do with the note she put it in her pocket and carried on with her day.

She got home to her mom, who she hadn't seen since that day when she somehow ended up at Veronica's, and walked straight to her room. Her mother ran up the stairs and opened her door with wild eyes.
"What in the world do you think you're doing?" Betty looked at her mom with confusion. "You think you can just storm out of here and run to Jughead as soon as things here get a little complicated?" Her mom yelled. Betty could see that she was pissed. But deep inside her eyes, she saw something else. She saw worry. Not that she cared. She was too mad at her mom.
"'A little complicated'? Are you fucking kidding me? You didn't...wait...Jughead?" Betty didn't understand what her mom was talking about. She remembered talking to Jughead and that he wasn't home, making her assume he was out fucking some girl.
"Oh, you think I would believe that lie? That you were at Veronica's?" Alice scoffed. "I mean come on Betty, I've been a teenager too. And I am not stupid." Betty was really confused. What was her mother talking about?
"I stayed at Veronica's." Betty said and shook her head. Mad that her mom didn't trust her. Why in the world would she be with Jughead? "Jughead kicked me out, remember?" Confusion spread across Alice's face as she tried to understand the situation.
"But...but he texted me. Telling me that you were okay and that you were at Veronica's. I mean how would he know if he wasn't there with you?" Flashbacks of her laying in the cold, wet grass flashed before her eyes. And then it was as if she felt someone's strong, warm arms wrap around her body, then it was as if she was lifted off of the ground. That was when she realized it. He was there.
"He..." She whispered. She ran to her phone to call him and ask him if he really was there. Had he really let go of his latest one night stand, or maybe...girlfriend, for her? And if so, then what did that mean?

She dialed his number, knowing it by heart, and listened as the monotone sound filled her ears. He didn't pick up and she sighed to herself. She needed to know. And she needed to know now. So she rushed out of her room, thinking that she would take her mother's car and drive to his trailer. She needed to know if he was there that night. Not that it was of much importance, but she needed to see him either way. She still could hear him tell her that he loved her. A sound that made her body tingle and her heart beat harder. She had to be strong and leave him. But she also had to be strong and stay with him. Needless to say, her thoughts were messy. However, before she could exit her room her mother pulled her back inside.
"I'm sorry, young lady, but you are not going anywhere." Betty glared at her mom. What was she talking about? Betty had always had the freedom of coming and going as she pleased. "I've been too nice on you. You, Elizabeth, are grounded." Betty opened her mouth to tell her mom to go fuck herself or something but Alice cut her off. "Don't bother. From now on, you'll go straight to school and straight back home. Period." Betty stood in her room, speechless. What had happened to her mom? Why was she suddenly such a control freak? "And if I see, or hear, you talk to Jughead one more time I will hurt him." Betty laughed. She couldn't believe her mom was saying these things. Was she seriously threatening Jughead? The leader of the Serpents. The leader of the most dangerous gang in Riverdale. And she threatened him. "You think this is a joke Elizabeth? I can tell you this much, I am not unfamiliar with the Serpents." She smirked. "Yes, Jughead may be their leader now, but I'm sure they haven't forgotten their first leader." And with those words, she walked outside Betty's bedroom. And once again, Betty was filled with tons of questions. All Betty wanted to do was run after her mom and ask her what the hell she meant but she remained still. Planning how she could escape without her mother knowing. She had to ask Jughead if he had done what her mom said he did. She dialed his number again but he didn't pick up.

She sat on her bed staring at her phone. Looking at the three dots jumping around on her phone. She waited for Jughead to text her. And read her text over and over again.
Did you help me get to Veronica's?
A new text appeared on the screen and she read it.
So it took him fucking two minutes to write that? And what the hell? Didn't her mom say he did? She wanted to scream. Not only at him but at her mom, at her dad, at the entire world for fucking her up. But most of all, she wanted to scream at herself. She was so fucking done with Jughead. He had once again proven to give zero shits about her. And it made her want to cry. If only she hadn't fallen for the raven-haired boy with the most beautiful smile in the world. If only she hadn't been so head over heels for him, then maybe...maybe she wouldn't be this miserable. She sighed and looked outside.

How was she supposed to ever get over him? How was she supposed to stop being so head over heels for him? How was she supposed to survive her life without him?

Because she knew that she couldn't go back to him. Not only had her mother threatened to hurt him if she did, but she was done with him, done with being hurt all the time. Even though she knew she would probably do it if it meant that she could, for even a second, kiss him again. Even hug him would be enough for her. She'd do anything to be his again.

She laid down on the huge bed in her room and closed her eyes.

She was so tired. And she needed some sleep. So she got it.

Her dreams were filled with Jughead. How he wrapped his arms around her as she got home from school. How he gently pressed his lips against her forehead. How he told her he loved her and only her. How she buried her face in his chest and inhaled his scent. He smelled like cigarettes and cologne. A smell that, if it belonged to anyone else, would make her feel slightly sick but now only filled her with comfort and a feeling of safety. How he grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear.
"C'mon sleepyhead." How she laughed and squeezed his hand harder. As a way of asking if he would ever let her go. And he shook his head as they walked to the bedroom.

Maybe one day that dream will come true
Maybe one day she would be able to love him
She thought to herself


Yes this is such a filler and I am so sorry lmao

Did you notice the little Sprousehart moment I stole ;)

Either way, I just wanted to say THANK YOU FOR 100k READS!!!!!!

Also, as many of you know, this book is coming to an end. And the next chapter is going to be a little bit longer. So I hope you're excited ;)

I love you

Yours truly,


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