Part 6 of the Emails- Getting Closer

Start from the beginning

Always and Forever, forever and Always,

Your first man and your last?


P.s. I dare you to send me a picture of something that makes you smile. A random thing.

Sent a picture of him getting done with a shower. He has a towel around his waste. His hair is dark with water. His body wet.

Sent another picture of Harmony and him. She is sleeping. The sheet just above her breasts. Her head in on his chest. A sleepy smile on her face.

June 15th 2017 Montana,

Brian, Cal,

Wow. I am blown away by what I learned today. It was beyond. I know I am going to be adding a few new pieces of equipment to the bakery. Also some new molds and some exotic flavors. I have an idea for the fourth of July. I am thinking of doing a flag out of petite fours. Doing three summer flavors, Raspberry, blueberry and white chocolate coconut. I cant wait. Omg you guys. I am exhausted. Brian I seen a little boy with a ice cream cone today. It made me smile. I want a little boy. So bang me and give me one damn it. OK enough of that. I know why were waiting but my mom DNA kicked in. Even Momma C was like I want to be a grandma. She is going to make a great one. If I cant have my mom then she is the best. I cant even say second best because she is the best. My mom is mom but Momma C I my second mom. Hard to explain. So we went for sushi today. Nope. Not for me I ended up eating rice. Then got pizza on the way back to the hotel. I am not eating that stuff. I did try it but not again. I did like the tempura fried shrimp. So at least I know. Tomorrow is the last day. I'm glad. I miss our bed Bri. Also the quietness of our small town. I am going to make meatloaf when I get back. Craving it with mashed potatoes and cream corn. Wrap it in bacon this time. Yummy.

So I owe you both another dare. My dare is for each of you to get someone to play patty cake with. It cant be each other. I want a picture from each of you. Now its bath time then bed. Love ya's. Hugs and kisses.

Always and Forever, Forever and Always,

Your excited baker,


P.s. so what is something you would change about yourself if you could. I would change my boobs. I want them a little bigger. Like a d instead of a full c.

Sends a picture of a little boy, about 3 wearing jeans and john deere tshirt. He has cowboy boots on and a matching had. He is eating a chocolate ice cream cone. Its dripping down his hand and is around his mouth. His little tongue catching a drop of it as it falls.

June 16th 2017 Iraq

Baby Girl,

I just got in. Read your emails. I will get the dares done soon. I love the pictures. The little boy is adorable. It even set off my dad dna and I did not know I had any. So what would I change about me? I would hmm make my eyes a little lighter. I like the dark blue but sometimes I look like a weasel. Dark on dark. I am having to refrain from commenting on your breasts our of respect for Brian but yeah don't change a thing about you. Your perfect. Inside and out. I need a shower. The place we went was more a camp then base. No way to shower and I feel like I have grit in places you don't want to know about. So hugs and kisses love,

Your grity guy,


P.s. Your package should be there at the house waiting for you. Hope you like it.

Sends a picture of dirty boots.

June 16th 2017

Brian, Cal

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