Officially Gone

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The elevator just opened and I'm running to Carson's room when I see the boys walk out of her room.
They were all pale and looked lifeless. Connor's eyes were all puffy and he had tear stained cheeks.
"What happened" I whispered, I already knew what happened. I was in a state I shock.
Just then Connor dropped to his knees and put his head in his hands. I heard muffled cries. This was just another sign.
I tried to push past them but Jc stopped me.
"We're not allowed in there" He said looking down.
I joined Connor, on my knees sobbing.
I started breathing heavy and I felt light headed. I'm having another panic attack! Where did I put the pills!
I started searching my pockets. Hurry up Kian!
"Kian? Kian whats wrong!" Sam, please help, help me, please! All the guys, except Connor, huddled around me they kept asking questions that I ignored.
As I was searching my back pocket I felt Carson's phone, I fell to a crawling position.
I need to find the pills.
I looked in my other back pocket and I felt the bottle. I pulled it out of my pocket and tried opening the cap but it was stuck. My elbows got heavy and I couldn't hold myself up anymore.
I took the container and I hit it against the floor. The lid popped off and pills scattered around the floor. I grabbed one a swallowed it.
As I took a breath it felt the oxygen fill my lungs. I sighed, relived that I didn't die.
"Kian are you okay?" Ricky said as he walked off of the elevator.
Connor stood up and grabbed Ricky.
"What did you do to her!" He yelled, his words were full of hate, anger, and pain.
"What?" Ricky spat out.
Connor punched him repeatedly until he was on the ground, holding his face in pain.
Ricky jumped up and walked to the elevator.
After Ricky left I broke down again. I walked back to Carson's room and leaned against the door. I sat down and just cried.
I feel like all the happiness I had washed away and was replaced with heartache and sadness.
I keep picturing Carson in the hospital bed. As soon as she closed her eyes I knew it was over.
I should have been there! I promised I would save her! I promised to help her and make her happy!
Alright Connor. She's not dead yet. There was no official announcement but I had a really bad feeling.
Just then a doctor walks up to us. I clear my throat and wipe my tears away. I quickly stand up and brace myself for the news.
She will be okay.
She will be okay.
She will be okay.
"Are any of you related to Miss Shayford?" He asked and looked at all of us.
"I'm her, umm boyfriend" I suddenly said.
"Well, Miss Shayford was injected with a deadly substance. It traveled through her veins and it reached her heart, killing her instantly. I'm sorry for your lose" He nodded and then walked away.
I just stood there.
I didn't blink. I didn't cry. I didn't speak. I didn't move. I didn't think.
I was lifeless, just like Carson.
"Connor?" Trevor walked up to me. "It's okay" He looked at me.
"It's okay?" I took a step away from them, all of them.
"Are you joking! Carson is dead! she's freaking dead! I want to curl up into a ball and die! But your saying that everything's okay!" I yelled, tears filling my eyes.
"That's not what I meant-" I cut him off.
"Bring me home, I want to be alone" My voice was cold. I was just done. One hundred percent done.
They started walking down the hall and I didn't move. Was her body still in there? Could I say goodbye? Would I be able to handle seeing her?
I pushed the door open and I saw her laying there. Being in her presence made me cry even harder.
"Carson, I know you can't hear me, and that you are now an angel. But I'm sorry. I'm sorry for that call and for not being here. I'm sorry I didn't save you. And if you were still alive I would never leave your side, I would protect you and I would never let you go" I grabbed her hand.
"But it's too late. I was too late. I let you go and I'm so sorry that I did" I cried.
"I promise you that I will find out who did this to you and I will avenge you and your family. I love you Carson. Rest in peace beautiful" I leaned down and kissed her forehead.
I looked at her one more time before I stood up and walked to the door. I took a deep breath and walked away. Down the hall, in the elevator, to the parking lot.
As soon as we step outside, the light burns my skin.
Once we're home I walk straight to my room. I can't bare speaking to the guys so I lock my door.
I can't believe that she's really gone.
Why! What did she ever do?
But the answer is simple.
I don't know.
Sorry guys it had to be done :(
Will Connor ever avenge Carson? Who is the killer/kidnapper?
I have good news!
There might be a sequel! Ahhhh turn up! And I got all my reads back plus more!
Okay I'm done. Hahaha.
I'll see you next chapter on...
A Taste of Happiness!

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