Coming Home

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After about three hours of walking home I finally see a street I recognize.

"Thank god" I mumble, I start walking down the street, running actually.

I've never been excited to go home.


Then I see the house. Oh how I hate/love this house.

I open the door and immediately smell death and blood and misery, the usual.

"I am so hungry" I say to myself as I start eating Jc's amazing pancakes. Once I finished the last one I saw a note tapped to the plate.

'Dear Carson,

We really hope you get this note. Meeting you made us thankful for what we have. And we are grateful. Even though we barely know you, we all feel like a part of you. Seeing you walk out that door made all of us emotional wrecks. We wanted so badly to run after you again but we knew that you didn't want to stay and we had to let you go. If you ever need us, Connors number is 123-456-7890. Please call us when your home so that we know you are safe. Thank you Carson Shayford for being you. Stay strong beautiful. We love you.


I saw tear stains at the bottom of the paper and I didn't know if they were mine or theirs.

They are so caring and thoughtful and I just left them! I such an awful person! I left them just like everything I had left me! I didn't even think about how they felt! I'm just a selfish pathetic wrecking ball and I destroy everything I touch. And I hate myself for it!

I picked up my mothers vase and I threw it against the wall. I started sobbing.

I wish it was me!

I wish it was me.

I calmed down and wiped the tears off of my face.

Stay strong Carson, do it for them.

I got my phone out.

"Hey Connor" I said quietly into the phone, missing him already.

"Carson, I miss you, I'm so glad that your h-home" His words felt like an arrow going through my chest, they were filled with such pain and unhappiness. I broke down, way to stay strong.

"Connor put the phone on speaker and get the guys please, they need to hear this. I'm so sorry for everything you guys. I'm sorry that I just left like that and hurt you. I'm sorry for just breaking down and bringing you into my mess of a life. I want you guys to be happy and not worry about me. I'm sorry for everything" I cried into the phone. They weren't answering, the line was silent. "Guys?"

Then what they did next made my heart ace. I was shocked. I guess they really did hate me.

A Taste of Happiness (O2L fanfiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu