Carsian Forever or Never

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I kissed her! And then she kissed me! I feel like we are meant to be! I feel a spark when I'm with her. She brings out the real me, ya know?

Our lips were moving in sync, and it was the best kiss I've ever had.

Does she like me as much as I like her? Should I ask her out? I don't know!

She had to stay here overnight, but I stayed with her to make sure she was okay.

I woke up and looked over at her.

"Your so beautiful" I smile down at her. Her eyes are closed and her chest is moving up and down.

"I love you" She whispered back. My heart stopped I felt complete. I felt happy.

"I love you too" I kiss her cheek.

"Carson I'm going to go get food and call the guys, I'll be back in an hour" She smiles, her eyes still closed.

"Okay" She shifts a little and pulls the blanket up, I walk out of the room.

As I'm walking to the elevator, I keep picturing Carson with the knife in her stomach and tears in her eyes. And I can't stop feeling that it's my fault. It's my fault she did this to herself.

I can't do this. I can't stay. I'll just cause her more pain.

But what will hurt her more? Me abandoning her, or causing her pain and sorrow.

I just don't know. All I know is that I love her and I want to stay with her, but I don't want to at the same time.

So confusing!

I pull my phone out and search my contacts for Connor.

"Kian! I thought that you were dead! But I guess your not! TeeHee" Oh Connor, I love him so much.

Not like that.

"Connor, I have to tell you something, and it's really really bad" I bite my nails. I'm really worried about Connors reaction, he seems to be very overprotective of Carson

"Well, spit it out" He said calmly.

"It's about Carson" I said quickly.

"Ohmygod! What happened! Is she okay? Where are you guys? No no no! Ughh Ricky that bitch!" Connor yelled through the phone. See, very overprotective.

"Well I went to her house and-" He cut me off.

"You went to her house! Did you freaking rape her! Seriously Kian!" Omg, really Connor!

"No! I knocked on the door and she didn't answer so I kicked it open and she had a knife through her stomach!" I yelled into the phone, a tear fell from my eye.

It was silent for a minute or two until Connor asking me such a painful question.

"I-i-is she de-dead?" His voice cracked and was full of pain.

What if she died? What would happen to my life? I would be a mess! I would never be the same without Carson.

"Kian! Answer!" I could just picture his face, when Connors upset or scared, he makes a face that is heartbreaking.

"She's alive" I said quietly.

"Ohmygod! That was the worst phone all I have ever gotten! Are you guys at a hospital?" You could just hear the relief in his voice.

"Yeah, LA Care Center" It only took him a second to reply.

"I'll be there in ten!" And with that he hung up.

Now I can eat. I walk out of the hospital and a Starbucks is right across the street.


I order a cotton candy frap because I'm just that basic.

I go on twitter and see a bunch of rumors. Apparently someone saw me outside of Carson's house with the ambulance, and saw my panic attack at the hospital.

People are saying that I killed Carson and I panicked because I'm going to get caught.

Other people are saying how crazy that is and that it's so fake and ridiculous.

And then there are people saying that they don't know what to believe.

Great, half my fans think I tried to kill Carson, and all of her fans are pissed off at me.

I decide to tweet the truth so that I'm not on the number one hated people in America list.

'KianLawley: I don't know why people think I would ever harm Carson, especially since I love her @CarsonShayyy'

Then my butt vibrates. What?

Oh I never gave Carson her phone back!


I get up and throw out my empty cup and I make my way back to the hospital.

This has really been a stressful week, full of bullshit and anxiety.

But things will get better won't they?

"Doctor to room 508, code red, emergency" I heard over the intercom.

I started to run, whats wrong?

What happened to Carson?



What will happen? Whats up with Connor? Why did Ricky really hang up?

I will probably be updating later on today or tomorrow.

And I tried making this a longer chapter.

Anyways comment suggestions or feedback!


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