Panic Attack

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Everything's gray. The lights, the buildings, the people, everything. I see no more color, I only see darkness.

I walk up to the gray lady behind the gray desk.

"What room is Carson Shayford in?" I sniffle. God I barely know her but she is my only light.

My only color.

"Oh sweety, you didn't hear, Carson Shayford, she, hasn't made it" Her piercing gray eyes met mine.

Her words hit me like a brick. I couldn't move. I couldn't breath. I starting having a panic attack. I dropped to the ground holding my chest. No. This can't be real.

"Sir? Sir are you okay!" The gray nurse yells for a doctor and before I can blink a gray man runs over with a shot.

"Carson" I cried before falling into a deep sleep.


I woke up but I was in a room, a hospital room. I start looking around at the gray bed and grey machine.

"How can I save Carson now?" I mumbled.

Then that gray nurse came out of nowhere "You don't have to save her, since she's so young they tried reviving her one more time, it worked" She smiled.

"Can I see her I need to see her! Please, please let me see her" I said tearing up.

The room started getting less gray, showing tints of colors in random places.

"Of course, but she's unconscious" The nurse came over and helped me out of the bed "Here take these pills, if you have another panic attack take two" She smiled.

"Thank you, what room is she in?" I said while taking the pills from the partly gray nurse.

"She is is on the fifth floor in room 508" She started cleaning the room.

I walked out of the room and around the lobby. I'm trying to find the elevator. I go down another long hallway and I turn. There it is! I can't wait to see her.

The elevator opens and now I'm looking for room 508.

501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507.


Carson is in this room. I put the pills in my back pocket with our phones and I wipe the tear off of my cheek.

There she is, her eyes closed, she looks like she did earlier exept the blood. I start bawling. I did this to her. It's all my fault.

"Carson, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault, I should've left you alone. I hate when your sad, I hate seeing you cry. I'm sorry! I'm the worst thing that's ever happened to you. But I couldn't stay away because your the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just, Carson, I'm in love with you and I always will be" I leaned down and kissed her forehead. After that I just pulled a chair up next to her hospital bed, grabbed her hand, and cried.

I love you Carson, and I'm sorry for it.

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