The Argument

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She left us, and I let her go.

The question is, why did I let her go?

I'm just hoping she got our note an comes back. But who would come back if they got a note from six guys they barely knew.

But I still hope she comes back. I need her to come back.

The house feels empty without her.

I feel empty without her.

The guys are all upstairs and I'm just staring at the door, the last place I saw Carson.

It's like the clock froze when she shut that door.

Ughhh I need coffee I've been sitting here for hours!

I start to hear duck noises. Oh yeah my phone, haha.

When I pull my phone out from my back pocket it's an unknown number. Is it her? What if it's not her? What if she didn't get the note? What if she got it but hates us and is just calling to yell at us? Only one way to find out.

I answer it.

"Hey Connor" She says, her words quiet but meaningful.

"Carson, I miss you, I'm so glad that your h-home" When I said that my eyes started watering. I miss her, I miss Carson.

"Connor put the phone on speaker and get the guys please, they need to hear this." I pressed on the speaker button and yelled for the guys. They made it downstairs just in time to hear her speech.

"I'm so sorry for everything you guys. I'm sorry that I just left like that and hurt you. I'm sorry for just breaking down and bringing you into my mess of a life. I want you guys to be happy and not worry about me. I'm sorry for everything" We were silent, she's sorry for hurting us, she's so selfless and caring. As I'm thinking, Ricky grabs the phone and hangs up on her.

He hung up on her.

"Ricky! Why the hell did you hang up! She thinks we hate her and you hang up! I hate you!" I scream at him, fury taking over me.

Then Sam speaks up "You asshole, I can't believe you! You hung up on her! Ughhh we'll never hear from her agai-" He was cut off by Kian slapping Ricky.

"Who do you think you are!" Kian yelled clearly enraged

"We are supposed to help people not crush them! That's why we do YouTube in the first place! And if that's now changing I'm out of this stupid channel!" Kian then turned to me, and I was scared because wow he was really mad.

"Connor can you send me her number later, I want to talk to her" And with that, he stormed to his room, slamming the door behind him, leaving us to fight.

"I'm with Kian! I'm sick of this! You act like a child, and your like the oldest one here! I'm done" Sam raged, when he was done, he walked out of the room.

"I hung up on her, big deal! You guys are overreacting! I couldn't bare to hear her voice!" Ricky shot back glaring at me.

"Big deal? I'm sick of your shit Ricky!" Jc yelled at him.

"Awwww boo hoo Carson's mad at us, at least now she won't be our charity case!" Ricky says taking a step closer to me.

I was ready to knock this kid out! How dare he! I love Carson and he thinks she's my charity case! Wait I love Carson? Yeah! I love Carson Shayford!

"I don't care if she is telling you to jump off of a building! Don't ever hang up on her! I want you out of this house by tomorrow Ricky Dillon! I want you out of this channel!" I stood up and towered over him.

"I wouldn't stay if you begged me" He spat before walking to his room.

Then I hear a sniffle and I turn to see Trevor, he is holding a camera.

"I guess O2L is ending guys. I love you" He said into the camera before turning it off.

He turned now facing me and I saw tears in his eyes.

"I can't believe this is how we are ending this channel" He said a tear running down his face.

"Me neither Trevor" I said and walked to my room dreading to see the video on our channel tomorrow.

A Taste of Happiness (O2L fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon