I scoffed. "Are you trying to say he fucked me, or had sex with me?"


This lady the police department sent is a total annoyance in my life right now, the fact that I have to be interviewed like this so they'll get some answers from me is terrible. I'll never crack, I'll lie my way through this until I see Damien free.

Luckily in a month I'll be eighteen years old and if I hold off long enough, we can be together openly without the worries of people like Louis, Veronica and Detective Amy. Those are the ones who will test this relationship.

Well to bad for them, I am in love with Damien and I'd rather jump into a pit full of lava then to lose him.

Louis and Veronica stared at me, waiting for an answer, so I gave them one. "Even if I did answer I'm sure you wouldn't believe me, given that those people I call parents would deny anything I say."

"Well I'm interviewing you."

I huffed. "Keep your word, I hate hypocrites. The answer to your question is no, we have never gone that far."

"This might be a touchy subject Ms. Grey, this man could have stolen your innocence—"

I laughed, loudly. "I lost this innocence when I was fifteen, to a eighteen year old who got me drunk."

Louis's eyes widened, shock filling his expression and the same for Veronica. Both were terrified by this random set of news and I was amazed that I even said it out loud. I haven't thought about Erick Foster in forever, the man I lost my virginity to, who happened to be a college student when I was a sophomore in high school.

"So you were raped?"

I scowled. "Listen lady, I have no reason to explain anything to you. All I'm here for is to release an innocent man because he was falsely accused for something he did not do."

"Both topics are extremely serious Roxanne, you've not only been touched immorally once, but twice."

This lady was irritating the hell out of me. "You mean raped?"

"In actuality yes, raped."

A laugh escaped my mouth. "Listen up," I hissed. "You have no reason to be in my business. I'll repeat myself, Damien did not harm me emotionally or physically. I'm here to tell you all that he's innocent."

"Then why are you defending him?"

I stood up. "Because, whether you believe me or not. There is an innocent man in that jail cell and he's done nothing but help me."

"How has he helped you Roxanne?"

My nose began to sting. "I could be broken right now...he risked all his morals to save me for Pierce...and when I finally got back..." I sniffled. "I thought this would bring my family closer, that I'd finally have a mother..." My gaze went to Veronica's. "But I was wrong, and realized the only person who cared about me, even as a student was Damien. He comforted me while those two decided what names to pick for the newest member of their family."

At that, I walked out of the room to emotional to stay with them. This is to much, I'm like a magnet for bad stuff and all I want to do is escape it. I want to run away from it, to never look back again. Maybe if I left everything for good my life would be easier and more livable. Although that means I'd have to leave Damien as well...

An escape from everything sounds tempting, but I know that once I leave, my heart will forever belong to Damien. And that is a fate I cannot escape.

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