He looked at the paper.

He ended up radioing a few people to raid the address, I was instructed to stay at the police station while they went out. I ended up falling asleep on the chairs but when I woke up, I heard a woman crying and resisting.

"I didn't know it was a stolen baby!" she cried out, "he said it was his nephew!"

I managed to catch a glimpse of Andy as he was escorted into a room.

"Who was on the missing infant case?" An officer asked another.

"Officer Taylor." the other replied, "We have reason to believe this is the baby. The victims were connected from the beginning, but we need Taylor here to be sure-"

"Excuse me." I made my way towards them.

"Ma'am you need to-"

"The missing baby, was the mother's name Onika Maraj?" I asked.

"Thats confidential." the first replied.

"She's my boss and a close friend. I can identify the baby if he is here." I offered.

They looked at each-other, "You would need to sign a waiver, so the parents cannot hold us accountable for breaching confidentiality."

After I signed the form they took me to see him. Oliver was sitting up on a table refusing to allow anyone to touch him, his face was red from crying but other than that he seemed okay.

"Oh my God, Oliver." my jaw dropped just thinking of how happy Nicki would be to see him again.

"Who is she?"

"Friend of the family." An officer explained, "She said she could identify the baby."

"Can I-?" I asked the officers.

"You can try, he's not in the mood to be touched though." A female cop warned.

I approached Ollie and extended a hand to him, "Hi Ollie."

He looked at me and took a minute to recognize me, then smiled and reached for me.

I smiled back, "Your mommy has been so worried about you. She's gonna be so happy to know you're safe." I hugged him.


It wasn't until the third night of Nicki getting herself drunk and falling asleep in my arms that her phone rang soon after she was passed out. I answered it for her.


"Hi, sorry for the late call. This is the NYPD may I speak to Ms. Maraj?" The voice introduced.

"She's asleep, this is her fiancé.. can I take a message."

"Actually, thats perfectly fine. I was calling to inform you that the investigation is nearly complete."

"And you couldn't wait until the morning for this?"

"We thought it would be a sense of consolation for the two of you as parents to know, we have located your son and he is presumably fine, although we are having a doctor run tests, give him a check up, and watch him overnight to be sure everything is fine." They explained, "You will be granted custody of all of your children before noon tomorrow. And the parties involved are in custody."

I was speechless, part of me wanted to wake Nic at that moment to tell her the news, but I was still in a trance myself.

"Do you have any questions or concerns for me?" They cleared their throat amidst my lack of response.

"Uh.. no. Just, thank you. Thank you, it means- wow.. this is.. amazing. Thank you." I stuttered.

"No problem."

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