The bachelor and bacherloette party

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Oh boy this is going to be fun tonight, I can't believe Mrs. Adams tried to cancel these parties. Christian made her leave Vegas and told her she couldn't attend her own daughters wedding, but after my mom showed us the video, I understand why. She was ordering people around like she was the one paying for everything. Hell she never opened her purse to get a dollar. Kate said she asked Anastasia for money all while she was here. Anastasia had to go to the bank machine, Anastasia told her mom that she wasn't made of money. Kate said that her mom said well ask your soon to be hubby for money, he'll give it to you. Kate said Anastasia threw her mom out and said you want money so bad ask your own husband for it.
I wished Anastasia had a better mom, I found out from Raymond that Carla didn't protect her from her third husband and accused Anastasia of lying about him trying to rape her, she spent two weeks in the hospital before CPS called him to come get her. Said when he got there she was skin and bones. The hospital said she gained 10pounds since she got there. They were concerned that her mom and her husband Stephen Morton tried to starve her to death and Morton had beaten her after she refused to have sex  with him.  She accused Anastasia of coming onto Morton. They arrested Morton and they let her mother go. Raymond was given custody immediately and he taught her how to defend herself and to shoot. Said as tiny as she is she needed those skills.
Wow Anastasia has had it rough, your mom showed me that video. I was dumbfounded and realized she takes after Raymond Steele. Her natural dad died on her birthday. Okay guys let's get this party going. Dad stands up and says we have two grooms here about to get married so let's get them some lap dancing going on for now. And get me revved up for my wife, because I know she's getting hot and bothered by now lol
Ethan pov
Man why am I here again, oh yes Kate wants to me to meet her new family. I just got here and was setup in the room the  bride just left. Apparently her mother was an ogre and Christian shipped her home. She didn't even get the bed slept in until she kicked her daughter out of the bridal suite so she could have it. Then she demanded different floral arrangements and then she said if Anastasia didn't wear the dress she chose, she wouldn't attend her wedding. Anastasia blew her stack and asked to speak privately. It all came to an end when Christian demanded to talk to his future mother in law. Apparently she had been demanding the wedding be done to her specifications. Using Christians name and he was called about her changing everything, he told her he would make sure she got home okay. He called the pilot and had the jet ready within an hour to take Mrs. Adams and her husband home immediately.
I am relaxing here with my boss and his family, I really want to be with Gail and Sophie. Elliott looks over and says okay Jason something's different about you and I am going to figure it out. Christian laughs and says well now that you mention it, he has a glow about him. lol  Carrick looks me over and says hold up your left hand Jason. Omg you got married to Gail. This calls for a lap dance for all of us. Carrick ask just how did he get Gail to finally tie the knot?
I told him Sophie proposed to her lol. So we did a drive through wedding lol.
Man I am so glad Mrs. Adams was asked to leave the hotel. Christian was pretty mad on the video, she just kept on and on until Christian picked up the phone and had his plane ready and take the Adams home immediately. We settle in and lap dances were given freely. Grace was hooting and hollering. All the sudden I see something on Gail's hand, okay I get closer and closer and grab her left hand. Omg that diamond is bigger than mine. I ask her okay when did you get married? She smiles and says today. Who too I ask, she says Jason, I ask Jason who? She says Taylor. Omg I had no idea at all. A lap dance for Gail. Now I am missing Elliott I tell the women I am getting my man now.
We go in search of all the men and lo and behold he's right in front of me and Christian is standing by him. All the sudden two sluts grab our men. I tell them these guys belong to us, the one with Christian leans in for a kiss and Christian backs up and says I will have you arrested for assault if you don't remove your hands from me. She looks at me and Anastasia gets in between her and I and where I am standing when Anastasia gives me a passionate kiss. And hugs me all the while this stupid bitch won't take a hike. I remove her hand from me and kiss Anastasia again. The stupid girl grabs my arm and attempts kissing me again. Kate and Anastasia are getting pretty mad at this point.
I attempted getting security to come and remove these women off of me and Elliott, when Kate and Anastasia walk up and take us by our hands and try to lead us away from these women. The one who was taking on Anastasia was twice her size and outweighed her by 40 pounds. Anastasia removed the girls hands from my arms and said security will be along shortly. He has already told you he is marrying tomorrow and he's not interested and yet you drew his blood to get his attention. That's twice you assaulted him, and you will be arrested if you don't get your hands off him. She looks at Anastasia and says make me bitch. Anastasia warns her, that by law she has to inform her that's she's a champion black belt in martial arts and if she doesn't turn loose of me that she's also a hired bodyguard for the Greys and by law can defend me.
I can't believe this bitch said well I am taking him upstairs and fucking his brains out, try and stop me. She starts dragging Christian off, he is drunk and she knows it. I go into action and I grab her hair extensions and then tell her so you're going to rape an impaired man? Not on my watch bitch, she takes the swing I have been waiting for and I grab her and throw her over my shoulder and knee her in the neck. I finally see security headed this way. They question us all and Christian shows them the nail marks from where she clawed him to try drag him back to her room. He said he told her he was getting married to me and she said she would stop our wedding if she had to. She has been following them all night and wouldn't take get lost as an answer.
Damn whore, she tried to rape Christian. I look at my friend and ask what we should do about this tramp and her friend? Security sure took their sweet time resolving this issue. It took Anastasia flipping her over her shoulder to stop her. We watch as both parties head back to the hotel. Something is wrong with this picture. I wait until security leaves with the women and follow them. Security takes them out of the building and all four walk toward a car. I keep my distance and hear, well we almost had him and if it wasn't for that fiancé of his we would have gotten him. My friends dial a number we both know too well.
Raymond pov
Hey I think you need to hear this and who is involved in it. The women are working for someone to keep the marriage from happening. I will send you the information and yes Carla was on the jet, but got off after security left. Bob and her are here somewhere and plan on stopping the wedding. I guess she's been paid big money to stop it at any cost. Even if it means killing her daughter. Ok keep watching out for us. I have several people guarding them all. Including the wedding planners. Sad when your own mothers greed goes to the level of killing her own child for a few bucks huh? I need to talk to Christian and Anastasia now.
Raymond just called me and asked me to come to his room immediately and bring my bodyguards with me.
I knock on his door and inside is Anastasia crying her eyes out. Raymond just informed her that  her mom and stepdad were hired to stop our wedding even if it meant killing her. I decide it's time we pulled a Taylor and did a drive through chapel wedding now. And setup the people who are behind this by using decoys at the ceremony.
We got married with my dad and the bodyguards present at drive thru chapel.

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