The Wedding

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I am so nervous about walking down the aisle. Felicity is my maid of honor, Mia is a brides maid. Elliott chose Christian and Taylor as best man and groomsman. Dad is walking me down the aisle. We have practiced every step of it, Elliott looks nervous and Christian shows him our rings yet again. He pretends to drop them and laughs as he sees mine and Elliotts face. Grace glares at him and he behaves. Mom is crying.
She finally gets up here and we get through the ceremony and I kiss the bride. Christian has been tormenting me like I did him about his weddings. I am glad he wasn't killed in Vegas. Jessica was adopted by Anastasia which was great. Now she wants siblings and a lot of them. Mom said Anastasia and Christian were trying to have a baby.
Christian and Anastasia have passed all the requirements to be foster parents and are thinking about adoption as well. We talk about it a lot. Jessica doesn't know what they are doing yet, but can't wait to be a big sister. Ray wants grandchildren as well. Carrick and I are slowly mending the fences he broke by not telling me about Elena. Christian has came clean as well. Anastasia told him to resolve this issue quickly. Alas people don't know that working things out together is better for all concerned.
I stand up to catch the bouquet and it hits my head and bounces into Jessica's hands. Everyone laughs as Christian takes the bouquet from Jessica's hands and hands it to me.
But dad I caught it.
You are 12 about to 13 you aren't ready for catching wedding bouquets or marriage. Not until I say you are. Now go get us some wedding cake please!!
Jessica Mia will give it to you before we leave. You caught it and it belongs to you, just don't run off and get married okay?
Okay mom, want some wedding cake as well?
Yes thanks. I grab a non alcoholic drink off the tray as it goes by. I take Christians arm and we head to the family table. Kate is watching as Elliott talks to guy who caught the garter.
You see the guy Elliott is talking to?
Yes isn't he one of his crew chiefs?
Yes, but more importantly he tried to talk Elliott out of marrying me.
How do you know that?
He told him to not marry me right in front of me last week when I went to get Elliott for lunch. His name is Grant Wilson. He and Elliott used to pick up women at bars together.
So he just wanted his old bar buddy back.
Anastasia he is still trying to get him to pick up women at bars.
You think he is trying to get him to hit the bars on your wedding night to pick up women. Is this guy crazy or what?
If he is asking that, Elliott might think it's a joke. But I know the guy will be seriously trying to get him to go on his wedding night. All I have to say if Elliott doesn't tell him he's crazy and turns him down and actually goes. We are so over. I watch as Elliott shakes his head and the guy says something that makes Elliott walk away from him angrily.
Kate can we see each other alone for a moment please.  Excuse us Anastasia please.
I get up and look for Christian and find him being cornered by some blonde bimbo cousin of Kates.
Listen whatever your name is keep your hands off me or my security will remove you from the place.
Debra Kavanagh
Oh I think I will like being manhandled, but by you.
Well Debra how about I handle you by taking your hands off my husband myself. I must warn you legally that I have black belts in several forms of self defense. As I get it out she punches me in the nose. I knock her out and she falls against the wall. Taylor and Ryan take her to the hotels security room to have her arrested for assault and battery. I go and find some ice, when we hear Kate yelling at Elliott.
Kate I told him when we first decided to live together we weren't going to pick up girls at bars together again. He just doesn't get it. He still doesn't apparently. He wanted to ruin our wedding day by doing this and making sure you knew he asked me to go with him. I told him no in private and in front of you.
As far I am concerned he isn't a good friend if he is trying to break us up.
I know you are right about that. I asked security to escort him out.
Are you two okay?
Yes we got rid of a dog with fleas.
We did as well, your cousin Debra.
I told her to keep her hands off of you. I tried to get her off the guest list but I was voted down by my mom and aunt. Where is she and what happened to your nose Anastasia?
She sucker punched me after I told her I was a black belt. We are having her charged.
Oh crap, my mom and aunt will be mad about that.
They should be mad because she was groping me in an inappropriate way. But groping in any form is wrong if the person has asked you to stop. No means no whoever or whatever sex they are right?
That's right.
It's on video by the way. Taylor and security called and told me they have it all recorded. Debra was sexually assaulting me and then she punched Anastasia in the nose as she was informing her of her black belts in defense. So Anastasia knocked her out. The cops took her to jail. We will be signing the papers to charge her for sexual assault and assault and battery. Let's get you two out for your dances okay?
I agree and pull Kate into my arms as we head to the dance floor.
Let's go dance as well.
I thought you would never ask me.

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