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I have no idea where I am, my parents just told me to stay here. That's all they said as they walked away from me. I hid behind the big metal thing. I kept seeing people going in the door and throwing things in the big metal thing. A person offered me a biscuit, I grabbed it and ran. I hide again, I am so cold I see a cardboard box and hide inside it. I move it to a corner. I itch and ants are crawling on me. I shake them off. The box is full of them. I don't get in it again. I see a hamburger paper and go see if it has food in it. I eat the burger. I hide again, I see a bottle of water. I grab it and hide again. I peek in the window of the building people who look like me are being given food. A guy sees me looking and I run and hide.
I finally see the boy looking in the window. I tell them I am going to try to get him to the hospital. He is skin and bones and has red marks on his face and body. After an hour of coaxing him he comes to take the food and drink. I put a blanket around him. Poor soul. I get my car and park it close and encourage him to get in the child car seat. I explain that he needs medical attention and I am getting him that. I call Mrs Simms and have her meet us at the hospital. I call Mrs Robertson and explain what I am doing. Right now we have one teenage girl. She has been hurt beyond recognition. We are trying to earn her trust right now. Shelly won't speak. All of us go to therapy so we can try to get her to open up. Anyway we park and I carry the sleeping child into the ER. I explain that he was hiding behind the dumpster and Mrs Simms is meeting us here. They lead me to a bed in a small room. I tell them he will be thirsty and hungry and ask them for something just in case he wakes up and is frightened.
Mrs Simms
I have Jacob stay because the boy is holding onto to him like a life jacket. Grace walks in and Jacob looks scared. But he sees she is more concerned about the boy than him at this point.
So do we know the boys name?
His name is Lewis, he whispered it to me. He doesn't know his last name. Can you help him get better?
I hope so, will he allow me to touch him?
Lewis this nice lady needs to look you over and she has to touch you. Will you allow her to? I know her and she's a very gentle and nice lady doctor.
He allows me to examine him and I explain what I am doing every step of the way. I explain we need to give him a bath and change him into pajamas. Jacob explains and carries him to where I instruct him. I have him stay where Lewis can see him and have the nurse give him a good long bath and shampoo. He is checked thoroughly for any marks and possible sexual assault. I have my concerns about Jacob. But he is so good to the boy. Mrs Simms wouldn't allow him to stay if he were treating the boy badly.
I found him behind a dumpster at the homeless shelter and finally got him to come with me here. He was hiding there for three days. I called Mrs Simms, she's my caseworker. Mrs Robertson adopted me. I think you know her. I have a question for you. Would your son donate enough money to repair a teenage girls disfigurement?
I am sure he would, I would as well. Have your mother and Mrs Simms get in contact with us okay. I hand him my card. If you find any more of these little rascals give me a call okay? So you have changed quite a bit since we last met.
Yes ma'am I have, I have seen how bad it can be and want to help make peoples lives a little better. Four hundred hours community service of working at the homeless shelter gave me a different prospective. I stayed working there and a few other places. We have a new foster who was hurt beyond recognition. She won't talk. So if we can help her both mentally and physically it would be great.
Let's get this guy well first and I will talk to Mrs Simms and your mom as well and we will work it all out.
The state can't afford to get her the kind of care she really needs. I don't mind asking for her and will work for money to make her better. I am a different man now. I am ashamed of that boy that I was. Mrs Simms and my mom saw my potential. Love heals a lot of wounds.
It sure does. I need to give him some antibiotics so you need to explain to him that I am making him better by putting an iv bag into his arm. Does he talk much?
I suspect he is a real smart boy that's understanding everything you are talking about. Look at his face.
Oh goodness, we need to get him dressed and allow him to finish what he is doing. I watch and Jacob is right the boy has not always been homeless. He brushes his teeth after he flushes and washes his hands. He gets dressed and climbs on the bed. I put an IV in his arm and a place for the antibiotic and we give him a wide spectrum just in case. I have someone bring dinner for Jacob and Lewis along with kids books and something for Jacob to read as well. I leave them alone.
Mrs Simms
I need to talk to you if you don't mind?
Go ahead
Mrs Simms
Jacob has found more then this boy being dropped at the homeless shelter he works at. He contacts me then hi mom. Have you had any others brought in from there?
I am not sure the cops and others don't really keep track.
Mrs Simms
We suspect people are using the homeless shelters to leave their children to be saved by anyone with kind heart. Sadly not all we're able to be saved.
How can we help to prevent this from happening?
Mrs Simms
I am working on a plan to create a safe drop spot for all ages including elderly. Interested?
Yes. You have my number.

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